Discussion: Poll: Dem Wolf Leads Corbett

Corbett’s #1 de-popularizer has been education – huge cuts to public schools
together with overly-generous funding for his cronies in the charter school biz.
He has succeeded in pissing-off pretty much every public school parent and
teacher in the state – including lots of staunch never-voted-democratic types.

The other stuff (tax-free fracking, voter ID, medicaid non-expansion, etc., etc.)
is equally hate-worthy, but for the most part, that’s not stuff that low-information
tea-patsies in PA’s north-central ‘T’ (a.k.a. Pennsyltucky) are likely to notice.

They DO notice: teacher lay-offs, 30-35 student classrooms, ancient text books,
discontinued extracurricular activities, no nurses, no librarians, no guidance
counselors, no teachers’ aids, etc. etc. etc.

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I’ll go along with the consensus on education funds and fracking. But what I really hate him for is his idea of privatizing the state parks. We have wonderful parks here, staffed with great, committed people, and they’re free to visit. I love those parks, and I’ve spent countless happy times in them hiking and fishing. Putting them in for-profit hands would be a desecration. He’s already opened state lands to more drilling. That’s the kind of thing I hate him for. But seriously, any of you who are outdoorsy, love nature, beauty, all that, come and visit and check those parks out. It’s not called Penn’s Woods for no reason.


I am a former Pennsylvanian with lots of family there -unfortunately conservatives - but even they don’t like him. One of the things about his past that seems to have been kicked under the rug, was the fact that he was attorney general and had close ties to Joe Paterno and it is believed he had something to do with helping to cover up the scandal within Penn State.


I don’t live in PA but I’ll always remember Corbett and his deeply offensive remarks about ultrasound, that the woman enduring it has only to close her eyes. People in your state must have even longer memories of his blunders.

Don’t forget the ultrasound blather he seemed to be proud of spewing.

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There is a lot to forget I must say.

  • and then the sanctimonious self-serving posturing that he did in an effort to get to the front of the pursuit of Paterno parade - Gov. Tom Corbett washed his hands of any of that past responsibility and then feigned astonishment that such a thing could possibly be going on .

Outstanding! PA is solving the problem.

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This is encouraging. Corbett is an ass. PA never should have voted for a narc-whore.
He was elected on a platform of giving the entire state away if necessary to let fracking companies have their way with us. I guess it sounded like a good idea at the time, but now wells are catching fire. Meanwhile, taxing the frack would have provided bucket of cash. That would have offset our hatred for this stooge/tool if his controllers had funneled it into education after he cut the ed budget by $800,000,000.

We hate him because that’s all there is of him. He has nothing else on his mind or agenda, except supporting the restriction of voting to places where there are no blacks and few Democrats.

Corbett buggered those boys in the shower with that guy whose name I can’t remember.

Oh God! I completely forgot the refusal to cooperate with ACA and the Medicaid expansion. Completely stupid. Utterly, completely stupid shithead.

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““brother and sister””

Did you mean “brother and brother” or “sister and sister”?? Wouldn’t “Brother and sister” be heterosexual??

Enough of these crazy, inaccurate polls done by left-leaning wackos.

Speaking of Wackos, what does election expert Karl the Rove say??

He hates gays, and is a voter suppressionist.

Former Pennsylvanian here, but I’ve kept up with politics there. I’d say you’re spot on. PA has always been proud of its educational system, especially with how it fed the many, many universities it has. Corbett’s cuts were an insult.

I still can’t figure out if the Medicaid denying is affecting him. That’ll be interesting.

The fracking is all new since I left PA. I need to read up on this more. But we have it here, too, and what we’re having is little earthquakes from it.

No, he pretty much equated same-sex marriage with incest.

This was hot off the press this morning…money support just got serious. The below is one of my faves from the article…

"Lehane promised that NextGen Climate won’t be a “drive-by PAC” just running TV ads, but hopes to organize voters in the field, especially on college campuses, where so-called “millennials” voice concern about climate change. The group also seeks to organize inner-city voters around high rates of asthma linked to air pollution, and to hold events around local pollution issues. Young and minority voters lean Democratic, but have low turnout rates in non-presidential years."

As many Americans are finally realizing, Republicans are just terrible at governing . . . . . . .