Discussion for article #224861
TPM Headline: Poll: 60 Percent Female Veterans Know Sexual Assault Or Harrassment Victim
Whether or not a particular individual is aware of it, we all someone, probably several someones, who has suffered sexual assault or harassment.
It’s shamefully common.
“Sixty percent of female veterans know a service member who was victim of harassment, sexual assault or rape, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday.”
Mark Halperin: “This is great news for George Will!”
Right, according to George Will, it’s just a way for servicewomen to get promoted to a higher rank.
A poll of college women and men would also provide an interesting contrast to the military and general population stats.
Makes me want to slap all the old bulls in the Senate Armed Services Committee (Lookin’ at YOU, Carl Levin!) who helped knee-cap Kirsten Gillibrand’s amendment about prosecuting rape in the military.
…that they know of.
60 percent, huh?
Well. that’s a good reminder we should all drop the p.c. bullsh*t and remind young people NOT to join the military.
Want a better world?
Work for it.
Want violence and destruction?
Join the service.
Caitlin MacNeal, Please proof-read your work! Although knew and new sound alike, they damn sure don’t mean the same thing. Spell check is not your friend.
This subject is too important to screw up with poor writing.
Tells me the “culture” of the Army has not changed one bit in the decades since I was a soldier.
Nobody wants to admit it, but there’s a lot of lowlifes in uniform.