Discussion: Politico: WH Tells Agencies Not To Cooperate With Dems' Oversight Asks

They are in a ring of a blazing fire that is slowly collapsing in on them, and they are busy tossing lit matches down on the ground.

From my read of the article, as well as some Dem Congress people documenting that various normal requests are being refused, my money is on yes…there is a paper trail indicating that this obstruction. Or at the very least, they will have a slew of people testifying that these were their orders.


My favorite writer over at The Week magazine had a great idea how the Democrats could make Republicans pay for the stolen Garland seat if and when they control the 3 branches again: http://theweek.com/articles/681352/how-democrats-make-republicans-pay-justice-gorsuch
Knowing the Democrats, they’d never do it.


The SCOTUS should be expanded anyways. 1 seat for each of the 13 circuits (11 numbered circuits, the DC circuit, and the Federal circuit), each circuit headed by a SCOTUS judge.

Additionally, the numbered circuits should be reorganized so that they each have jurisdiction over as close to an equal number of people as possible.


Running scared as they say

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Obstruction of justice is defined in the omnibus clause of 18 U.S.C. § 1503, which provides that “whoever . . . corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be (guilty of an offense).” Persons are charged under this statute based on allegations that a defendant intended to intefere with an official proceeding, by doing things such as destroying evidence, or intefering with the duties of jurors or court officers. A person obstructs justice when they have a specific intent to obstruct or interfere with a judicial proceeding. …

Under § 1505…a defendant can be convicted of obstruction of justice by obstructing a pending proceeding before Congress or a federal agency. A pending proceeding could include an informal investigation by an executive agency.

(Cornell Law School web page)

Raise your hand, agency people, if you’d like to be charged under Sec. 1505! You think Trump & Co. wouldn’t throw you under the bus when push comes to shove? Guess again.


Conversely, the Trumpp and the GOP are practicing the opposite of democracy or totalitarianism.


Seems like about a hundred years.


Unconstitutional use of Executive Authority. Three separate but equal branches of the federal government. The WH will be sued over this, and the WH will lose. This also gives ammunition to Congress to reestablish itself as an equal branch of government, leading to enhanced probabilities of impeachment for both trumPP and Dumb as a Pence.

Edit - You know? This really is incredible when we have unified party control over all three branches of government, and one branch is being forced to sue another to restore its Constitutional authority. Republicans in Congress will have no choice but to sue the White House because not doing so puts them in full support of an unconstitutional power grab, thus facilitating authoritarian rule of this entire country. This act by the POTUS may actually be the straw that breaks Congress’s back and forces them to impeach the lying SOB in the WH. If this is not the fruition of everything that Dems have been warning about the relationship between trumPP and Russia, then our democracy and form of government is, indeed, dead.


No smart politician would try to pack the court.
So of course you support the idea.


"I don’t think you’d have the Democrats responding to every minority member request if they were in the same position.”

Been a long time since my clinical psych degree, so I don’t remember all the old cognitive science class stuff, but there has got to be a name for this rationalization phenomenon in which someone justifies their victimization of others by hypothetically assuming the victim would victimize them in the same way if given the chance. Anyone know what it’s called? It’s like a core part of the GOP/conservative/methbilly hivemind at this point and we seem to hear it from them every single day.


A real world example of that phenomenon was the woman who voted twice because she was sure that the Dems had seen to it that her first vote wasn’t counted. She was absolutely certain that her criminal act was justified.


Time for another sternly written letter.

Maybe its my Kathy Griffin leaning tendencies, but I wish really wish “these guys” would adjust their aim by about 180 degrees.


They want to dismantle America as we know it in the dark, one administrative regulation at a time.


Honest to God…THIS doesn’t make them look guilty as hell. Nope.

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Obstruction of justice and collusion webs are spreading far and wide. Trump is blocking the investigators from getting the evidence, and then he and his apologists will claim there is “no evidence” and criticize the investigators for taking so much time on a fruitless “fake news fishing expedition.”

Now the Trump team of lawyers and public opinion manipulators presumably have even arranged for Putin to do a Kelly interview to no doubt parrot every line Trump and his people have used to describe the Russia investigation.

Unfuckingbelievable that Putin admitted yesterday that Russian “patriots” indeed hacked American institutions during the campaign, and there was not a peep of outrage from the President or Department of State. Trump: Our weakest by far President in history.


It is as if the Trump administration colluded with Putin as to what his statement would be and what he will say to Meghan Kelly.


There’s 9 or 10 ways we can fix this:

Go to the Post Office and buy a stack of plain, pre-paid postcards at 38 cents each. Make a list of your House Rep’s and Senators’ addresses. The US Congress may not log all e-mails or phone calls (they probably keep a running talley) and phones are usually answered by volunteers or interns. A sealed letter can be held up while it is checked for anthrax or whatever but postcards sail right thru and they’ll have a handwritten hard copy of your opinions. At 38 cents you can send a lot of opinions they have to deal with.

Run for office- if Trump and Louie Gohmert can get elected what’s to stop a qualified candidate?
Become a Precinct Committee Officer, sometimes it’s a Ward officer. You’ll meet with neighborhood Dems and get out the vote. Find good citizens willing to run for office.
Register people to vote. If you need to help people overcome the GOP-led Voter run-around help them do that.
Run for School Board. Make sure Civics is being properly taught. Think a majority of America knows how government works? Just 26% of eligible voters in America voted for Trump and half of eligible voters stayed home last November. Today’s 12-year olds will be voting for President in 8 years.
Run for Mayor, City Council, County Commissioner, Borough Assembly.
Get appointed to your Planning Commission. Know everything going on in your community.
Run for State Legislature or Congress. The next census is in 2020, then we’ll redraw Congressional Districts. Get rid of GERRYMANDERING! Safe GOP seats gave us such intellectual giants as Louie Gohmert and Steve King. In most cases it’s the state Legislature that draws Congressional boundaries. Make it FAIR, OPEN and HONEST!

Overturn Citizens United. Money is NOT speech and Corporations are NOT people- at least not until Texas executes one.
Overturn any voter ID laws the are clearly an attempt to disenfranchise.


No doubt now!!!

And they are so bad at practicing it.

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