Discussion: Political Tensions In NBA Bubble As Players Grow More Fed Up With Trump

Hmm. Because both green and orange are secondary colors the resulting mix would be olive brown, immediately qualifying El Dotard for deportation, a travel ban or both. Works for me.

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That, or it would his enhance his pumpkin-esque attributes…


It’s important to remember NASCAR grew out of a bunch of slack-jawed hillbillies’ desire to race the souped-up cars they used for running moonshine. As anyone can plainly see, the “sport” has evolved since then. NOT!

Fun Fact: NASCAR racing is broadcast on radio. Think about that.


I was going to say the exact same thing.

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The only sport I enjoy is Curling. The reason is that the idea of sweeping ice amuses me and klutz that I am I think just maybe I could do that (badly, but wouldn’t break any bones…maybe).


Curling is the only Olympic sport I’ll watch. I find it extremely hypnotic.


Well, that makes two of us though there is/was a curling club in CT. I think it burned down a couple of years ago but maybe they’ve rebuilt. After a quick google CT has TWO curling clubs. So much excitement in this state it would take your breath away.


I really do understand that. hahahaha

I don’t love basketball because I could ever play it - I have never been athletic - I carried notes to my teachers from my mother allowing me to stay inside at recess so I could read. hahaha otherwise they made us play softball and I hated it because I was not any good.

I really enjoy watching basketball - it’s fast (except for the endless interruptions for fouls,) and really athletic and the players are by and large, gorgeous and smart.

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“He doesn’t understand how many kids, no matter the race, look up to the President of the United States for guidance, for leadership, for words of encouragement. He doesn’t understand that, and that’s what makes me more sick than anything.”

“I haven’t felt this sick since the Anita Bryant concert.”


Good. I want every major sport to be uncomfortable for people who don’t take politics seriously when it comes to civil rights. I want them to whince and squirm when their favorite atheletes or teams make political statements so they are forced to either look at the issue and think about it, or retreat to their bubble of bigotry until they’re ready to face their own prejudices.

Nothing is non-political until Trump is out of the white house and this country has been returned to the adults in our government, which means no higher office is held by a Republican.


Not fired, but BANned.

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Grandma, you know, that ice can be slippery!

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Tell me about it. I have one incredibly steep driveway and have fallen on it more than a few times while shoveling and/or chipping away at ice. With the “wisdom” of age (and a determination not to break a hip) I move more carefully when dealing with winter’s wrath now that I’m officially an old fart.


Too funny. I thought about it. “Now they are turning left!”


Naw. They’ve got special shoes to deal with that.


I don’t know but they may also be good for driveways, @dannysgrandma.


Shaddup and drink your orange juice, kid.


When they knelt while our anthem was on,
It antagonized President Don.
“They should show more respect,
For those who protect.
Just like I showed for Humayun Khan.”


all the quotes in this article are brilliant. way to go NBA players and coaches!


I ended up buying boots with remarkable tread, waterproof, and warm, then just take each step with a degree of caution. They’re anything but fashion forward but a 2-4hr. digging out of the driveway isn’t a time to care about much more than staying upright, dry, and comfortable. The snow management of my driveway is more a manner of technique and after 25 years of being shoveler in chief I’m good at it.
The curling shoes might be handy just walking around though. I’ll save that link. I’ve tried those ice gripper gizmos that fit over boots…damned things just fall off on a slope because the aforementioned boots have a very slight arch.

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well, I can’t really make fun of that. After all, I listen to baseball games on the radio. (huge fan of Joe Castiglione)

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