Discussion: Political Pros See No Logic In Trump's All-Over-The-Map Campaign Schedule

Straw vote of high-schoolers in Maine went for Drumpf, ergo: “We’re winning in Maine! They love me!!” (all one electoral vote of them.) He’s going to Lisbon Falls today - really? All 9,000-odd. Really?


Since Georgia and Arizona are now toss ups, Hillary’s map has expanded greatly and Donald’s is shrinking.


Trump’s razor says he’s racking up miles so his campaign can pay him top dollar.

Only 11 days left to fleece the campaign for his personal benefit.


Did anyone really expect a coherent strategy coming from His Orangeness?


They also had no clue what he was doing in the primary, and he won that.

My point is not that he’s a campaign genius who is going to win in 11 days, but that the political pros may not be the geniuses they think they are and maybe we shouldn’t always listen to them.


“You have to make difficult strategic decisions and I just don’t see them doing that. I see them deploying time and resources based on his instincts, not based on data.”

I know the Nazi thing has been beaten into the ground but how similar is that to Hitler directing his general’s where to attack and how to deploy resources in WWII based on his gut instinct?


But you’re forgetting about the SIGNS. Everyone I know has Trump signs. No one I know has Clinton signs. Ergo, Trump wins the election. QED.


I am not dissatisfied with Trump’s campaigning…


Did Hillary sleep through the Adele concert?

(I probably would.)



Adele is awesome


This is a great kind of story for a Repub “strategist” or “pollster” to opine on cuz they can look smart and criticize process (i.e. ‘next time, hire me’) and not talk about the batsh*t crazy that is the Trump campaign.


Does anyone, like me, think the polling under counts young people who, by definition. do not have land-lines and busy people who never answer a phone number they do not recognize? This not skewed poll nonsense but the feeling that traditional polling is out of touch with the times. I get the impression that older voters are playing too large a role in these surveys and that black and Hispanic voters too little


According to Spicer, Clinton is actually the one “on defense,” given that her and Trump’s poll numbers are within the margin of error in states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, which President Barack Obama won in both 2008 and 2012.

from 538



Even if Spicer’s comment is even remotely true, then why was Trump defending Ohio yesterday? Better yet, why hasn’t there been a Trump ‘airplane hanger rally/something or other’ in western Pa or at least the Philly suburbs?

Now if Spicer had bought up NC, then perhaps his comment gains weight, however when your party’s VP candidate has to go to Utah…


“Hillary Clinton was at an Adele concert the other night,” Spicer said, repeating a line that Trump and his team have deployed several times this week when asked about his schedule.

Madame President can afford to go the concert. She can show that she appreciates quality music and relax a little at the same time. For her, no biggie.

And how does this sh*tbird know that she sleeps all the time?


I used to feel that way, but until Survey Monkey is found out to be an access point for 76 yr old grannies pretending to be hot and hip millennials, there really are very few ways for anyone to escape an opinion poll now.

Especially this cycle.

Maybe they are staying out of the critical swing states because they know their numbers tank when he campaigns there?


“Political Pros See No Logic In Trump’s All-Over-The-Map Campaign Schedule”

Why…why were they looking for logic from Trump? But, sure, do go ahead and point out the latest incompetence from Suuuuuuuper Genius. There might be a voter somewhere who was still clinging to the idea of Trump’s business acumen and CEO laser vision to save the country, and this will be the final straw.


Slightly OT but it plays into the narrative of gross political :

I live in NYC and a few days ago I saw, of all things a Rump tv commercial. Here, in NYC a place where Rump won’t even be close to Clinton.


and that’s the other thing that got me about that Trump and Bash ‘back and forward’: unless Trump’s plane is waiting to take him west of the Miss., then chances are he’s either sleeping at a Motel 6 or he’s headed back home.

He (and Conway by default) are really asking for someone to do an event chart of the last three weeks. The idea being, how many Trump events are occurring in different states, as opposed to that Ohio ‘criss cross’.

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