The Republicans can’t run their primary campaign, and they get taken over by a delusional, narcicisstic con man. Speaker Paul Ryan (aka Eddie Haskell reincarnated) can’t run the House of Representatives. Now they can’t even manage a convention.
And they think they can run the entire government? Let’s ask folks in Kansas and Louisiana how well Brownback and Jindal have done for them…
We don’t need the true believers to jump ship; there aren’t enough of them to elect him. He, on the other hand, badly needs to make inroads on Hillary’s support, among women, the college educated, the non-evangelical, or the non-white. Blatant Amateur Hour won’t do that for him.
Would be awesome if Trump, the “unconventional” candidate, ends up with the unconventional outcome of having a post-convention dip, instead of a post-convention bump!
It may well be that a lot of these folks feel ignored and powerless. But, I think a whole lot of Trumpism Is just plain spite. The same outlook that causes many of these folks to refuse to give up their incandescent bulbs in favor of led or fluorescent, and convert, at great expense, their pickup trucks into “rolling coal”, and buy, at great expense, shitloads of guns to open carry. Because they want to piss-off environmentalists, progressives and liberals. They don’t care if Trump lies, has had three wives, isn’t really very religious, or is caught giving fellatio to Shamu the whale. Supporting Trump is their way of poking those people and the left in the eye with a sharp stick, even if the spitefulness results in self abuse and public harm.
Funny story Ralph.
About two years ago some 'neck in a coal-roller did his smokestack thing next to me at a red light.
I tooled him over the next 2 miles-- then he pulled into a parking lot.
I went back and and razzed him for getting zoomed by an '05 Impreza.
These Trump delegates don’t seem to know how to party. There is little whooping and hollerin’ when Trump’s name is mentioned. The rest of the rank and file seem to be going through the motions but not thrilled about what they are doing.
I wonder why they are spending so much money not to have any fun when it’s reported that even Trump doesn’t have the $6 million to cover its cost.
When you have heard one Trump speech you have heard them all. There is no suspense to get the convention through to that acceptance speech Thursday. It’s like it’s running on auto pilot.
It’s a ride, Donald Jr.? No, it’s a walk to the finish…and you had to pull people along with you who would rather be anywhere else.
It’s true, Ralph. I know a guy who followed a car for miles, blaring his horn, all because the car had a bumper sticker he didn’t like. This was when gas was going for almost $5 a gallon.