Discussion: Police Respond To Shooting At Pittsburgh Synagogue

It is way to early to speculated about the shooter’s motive, but if the powers that be pitch this as the work of a lone nutbar, I am going to cry. It is time we addressed the racial and religious violence the evangelical movement has embraced.


“Thoughts and prayers”, “hope and pray”, but don’t even think about sensible gun laws to stop the goddam gun violence.


No it’s not - he went in screaming All Jews Must Die. That’s pretty straightforward.


I think “all jews must die” takes care of that pretty convincingly. A better question will be why today?


Ask Stephen Miller.


Trump right now: “Hate is terrible”

Gunlaws ? Trump: "If they had protection inside, the situation could have been different "

Trump: “He’s a waco. We should strengthen the death penalty” (for mentally sick people, too, apparently).

“Do you think all Churches/Synagogues should have armed guards”, Trump “That’s a possiblity”


Oh for god’s sake so the ubiquitous conservative talking point seems to be that Bernie Sanders wasn’t held responsible for a left-leaning shooter attacking Republicans, so Donald Trump shouldn’t be held responsible for encouraging right-wing terrorism?

It’s hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to think that anyone would buy that, but just in case anyone needs it explained: Donald Trump is not being held responsible for violence because a terrorist agrees with him. He’s being held responsible for inciting violence because he incites violence. Because he says “Knock the hell out of them” and “I’ll pay your legal bills if you do”. Because he laughed and made a hero of a Republican member of Congress who physically attacked a reporter. He called him a hero specifically for having body slammed the reporter to the ground. Because just today he said that “things will get violent” if Republicans lose the House.

No, Bernie Sanders was not held responsible for telling people to be violent, for the simple reason that he never did that.

Even talking heads on MNSBC and the like tut tut about “heated rhetoric” and how we’ve got to cool things down, and yes, but the point is that the most powerful person in office is calling for violence. And getting it.


I don’t think the dotard is smart enough to realize that he is the principal advocate for hate in America.


Even Trump probably does not like the Jews being targeted. Let’s not forget his lust object Ivanka is currently Jewish.


Instead of asking a self-hating Jew let’s ask the JDL.


Kroger’s incident, MAGAbomber, and now this. I’m starting to get a little uneasy with these false flag operations.

Seriously, I am sickened by this and so very saddened. Only once we finally let the scales fall from our eyes as a society and treat domestic terrorism seriously and give it the same scrutiny as international terrorism will we start to make a dent in this.

Dotard is now on my TV is telling me that if only the congregants were armed this would have gone differently. Word Salad. Death penalty. More word salad. Good grief.


It sure wasn’t a MAGA yarmulke.


I was curious so checked the date. Kristallnacht: November 9th into 10th, 1938. Two weeks short of 80 years.


The crazy reality they find themselves in is full control of the United States Congress, Executive and Judiciary. It was playing to the most ignorant, bigoted and worst people in America that got them there (plus a healthy dose of election cheating), They’re woke, and know exactly how they got there and have no intention of changing a thing.This is what they wanted.


It reached a point – shortly after Trump’s inauguration – where the insurance underwriter for my temple refused the policy if we didn’t have at least one armed public-safety officer at every function. (Fortunately, the city has been extremely accommodating with resources since then.)

I cannot imagine similar provisions have not appeared in liability policies for other temples and synagogues across America.

This is what comes of putting an icon of neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and GOP racists in the Oval Office.

And if just one more mindless jackass bays “Both Sides!” – may their pomegranates wither and be kicked by an incontinent camel!


I don’t want to hear Donald Trump today. I don’t want to hear or see him read a script from a teleprompter that he does not believe. I don’t want to hear him blame the victims or the media for this horrific act of terrorism. I don’t want to hear about lone wolves. I just don’t. But most of all, I don’t want to hear him whine about his own so-called victimhood.


O my god irasdad. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would see this happen. I am just sick.

Here’s the thing to me about both siderism and this cry for civility. O now they have their pearls clutched? Where have they been for the last 35 years while the GOP demonized the majority of America to their supporters? Where have they been while the GOP turned liberal and Democrat into obscene words? Now they wake up now that we’re pissed off righteously and now they clutch their pearls and tell us we have to make nice? Where the fuck have they been? We have made nice for all of these years and they pushed us and pushed and it’s tooi fucking damn late for us to be nice, now, while they are terrorizing and murdering us.


[quote=“dannydorko, post:17, topic:79645, full:true”]

Actually, guns do kill people.[/quote]
Wait, I thought that it was the bullets.[/quote]


man that must have been awful - hope you like your current place


I just listened to that fat bastard say that if the Synagogue had an armed guard, no one would have been injured and refuse to address the issue of guns. He also said that he wants to make the death penalty an absolute must for these kinds of maniacs. He is such an asshole.