Discussion: Police Report: Ex-GOP Official Calls Himself Second Christ, Sacrifices Dog

I dunno…this is nothing but sad. That kind and level of mental illness is pretty much an end to a person. I don’t feel any schadenfreude or rage about it. I just can’t fathom what torment it must be to live in a mind so broken that it would to do such a thing. Both the act and what brought it on are unspeakable.


This guy has been on TPMs radar for a long time… A quick google search of talkingpointsmemo.com finds a handful of articles… https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS690US690&ei=u2BkW8G1EIW3jwTngqaQBQ&q="Todd+Kincannon"+site%3Atalkingpointsmemo.com&oq="Todd+Kincannon"+site%3Atalkingpointsmemo.com&gs_l=psy-ab.3...20956.26536.0.27879.…0…1c.1.64.psy-ab…0.0.0…0.5PzmDw_McTE

following links in the articles I can find the oldest one goes back to 2011. This guy is a piece of work.


Holy Crap.

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Ironic part is that the GOP constantly kills programs and funding for mental health care. They’d be the biggest beneficiary of this type of help.


This may very well be a politically relevant story…the state police sure are handling this case with a light, tender touch.

Todd Kincannon Custody Flub

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Maybe he is? And maybe the dog died in accordance with divine intention?

I mean, are we just going to ignore this dude’s assertions as some sort of counter-factual too absurd to even consider?

If we dismiss this man’s apparently sincerely held beliefs, including himself as the Messiah 2.0, as mental illness, what about the several hundred million Americans who profess holding to comparably sincere and similarly evidence-free beliefs in an all-seeing all-knowing hippy-haired Nordic male omnipresence that showers completely hapless irrelevant beatific definitely not gay, trans or queer “bro-love” on everyone?

(“Everyone” in this context means except for: Muslims, because terrorists d’uh;
Mormons, far-out weirdo cultists full of nut-balls;
Jews, as no one can trust them after what they did to Original Baby Jesus;
blacks, because the True Constitution doesn’t recognize them as citizens but just Electoral College adjustment weights, each one worth only a limited % of a “person” person, plus they all appear to be working towards turning Earth into Planet of the Apes; and
fembots and feminazis, all of them lesbos trying to force everyone even men to have abortions.)


So, when he was arrested, did they take away his guns? /s


I agree this should NOT be in the news. Our political differences with someone should not give us licence to mock their misery. What have we become? Do we think mental illness follows political parties? Obviously this person’s behavior is not a direct outgrowth of his political views and is not the natural consequence of holding conservative political views no matter how much we may want to cartoonishly paint it as such. He is suffering with forces beyond his control as is his wife and family. As their personal hell is paraded nakedly down the public street can we not tastefully avert our eyes and give them what privacy and dignity they can find to recover from this, or must we gawk and comment as so many adolescent boys finding a cruel new entertainment? Leave any righteous vengeance of this to God. He seems to be handling it just fine. We here on earth could do with a bit more compassion to our political opponents. I wish them all nothing but a speedy recovery and healing from this.


South Carolina, so they probably gave him some.


Ask Sarah about her brother and a dog.


Hey! That’s not nice. I haven’t done that in years.

Well, a year at least.

Okay, maybe not a year, but it’s been months.

Er…did I say months? Weeks? It’s been weeks, really it has.

Okay god damn it, I did it yesterday! I admit it! It felt good too!


Memo to TPM:

Leave the hype to DPecker until some South Cacklelacky crackpot ‘sacrifices’ Rep. Joe Wilson. (h/t - CPPierce)

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If he’d shoot his dog because his invisible sky wizard told him to, then he’d shoot anybody and anything.

He needs to be locked up, and we need to start national screening for freakazoids among the religious. People who take the bibble or koran literally and think their deity gives them orders represent a clear and present danger to public safety.

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But…Jesus didn’t perform sacrifices.

I know, I know, but I’m just trying to find ANY logic in this story.


This would be hilarious if I had not heard the exact same ramblings coming from a Trumpster I know at work just yesterday.

Especially the fembot/feminazi stuff. I hear it from this asshole all the time. For some reason he LIKES talking to me, even though I have made it abundantly clear that I am a Progressive Democrat. I avoid him when I can, but, I am polite to him, so he LIKES me. (shudder.)
FYI - This is also the guy we have all decided is most likely to shoot up the place if he is ever fired.


All good. It doesn’t alter my statement, though.

This kind of religion is way too dogmatic for me.


He didn’t happen to live near Highway 61?

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This isn’t about his religion. The man is clearly going through a psychotic episode and was taken to the hospital accordingly. Hopefully his family is wise enough to keep him from weapons if/when he is released, but they are the ones most at risk by a long shot. I’ve worked in mental health services for decades now. Plenty of people with nearly no religious affiliation or beliefs can suddenly decide they are Jesus (it’s a fairly common delusion) or become violent.


Just another Republican driven crazy by DJT.