Discussion for article #234614
Police investigator says he can find no evidence of that which is obvious to people with eyes and ears.
That’s why it’s called a whispering campaign. It’s designed to not leave any traces. But as we all know, when there is smoke there is fire…especially when Atwater/Rove wantabe GOP operatives are involved.
And why are the police involved in this? Do they think someone gave Schweich the gun and told him to take the bullet for Hancock?
Maybe James O’Keffe caught something on tape while he was interviewing Schweich that morning dressed like the ghost of Zimmerman’s Ann Frank?
“I haven’t heard anything about a whisper campaign. Have you?” “Eh? What’s that cha say?”
What?!? They have to match whisper prints?
Whispering campaign? We didn’t hear anything…
They didn’t need to actually have a whispering campaign; they just needed him to think there was one. Trust me, I taught junior high.
it didn’t really happen I guess.
the candidate was just having a bad day because the "R"s said so. shhhhhhhhhh
Do you honestly expect them to say anything else?