Discussion: Police: Concealed Carry License Holder Kills Armed Gunman

Discussion for article #242400

Sometimes, an unbelted passenger survives a car crash because he’s “thrown clear” of the crash. That’s still not an argument for not wearing seatbelts. Bad odds. Ditto for the idea of every Tom, Dick, and Harry packin’ heat.


Bet this fellow will long regret his time in front of a judge for the killing, then more time and $ defending a wrongful death suit by the family of the fellow he killed. Could also get jail time too. He’ll be very sorry.

Was the customer ever threatened? Sounds like manslaughter to me. Guy with gun is not the same as cop. Vigilante ism shouldn’t be rewarded.

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The department is not going to advocate for what people should or shouldn’t

Seriously? Yall lets get a posse up to and go a gunnin’ for some thugs! Police aint gonna tells us we shouldna do it! Yee-fuckin’-Haa! Just talk some trash and when they gets close 'nuff, open up on 'em baby! Look here Cletus, I done shot me a ni-CLANG!

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Bet he walks. Maybe a judge will rule against him in a wrongful death suit, but don’t count on it.

Well, well. We finally got us a “good” guy with a gun, eh Lapierre?

Betcha he’s featured in the next available NRA magazine.

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Surprised there are no “TOLDYA SO” repugs jumping on this thread. Maybe 1 dead bad guy for scores of innocent school children isn’t a good enough ratio to brag about.