Discussion: Pirro Gives Non-Apology After Saying That Pelosi Was 'Partying' In Puerto Rico

She may even be the shark.

This kind of shark jumping?

Through this all, the echo chamber remains a well-oiled machine.

Trump, on the way to his helicopter a minute ago, said a lot of Democrats “were in Puerto Rico last weekend celebrating something.” I wonder what they were celebrating—the disaster relief efforts?

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The whole point about that tweet was not to correct the record about her lie about Pelosi. the point was to put out an attention-grabbing tweet that would include the phrase “my exclusive interview with Pres Trump.” It’s self-promotion first, last and always.

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I didn’t say Stacy’s hair was a rat’s nest. I was in the lunch room at the A list table and when she walked by and Brittany and Randi giggled they said it looked frizzy and ugly and the style was so 90’s and looked like it had been styled by a rat.
I just repeated what they said, plus said that Stacy was the retard, and she goes and cries in the girl’s room like the lam-0 she is.

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Gabble by a Hussy

you called it

On Joy Reed yesterday they were laughing about Judge Jeanine. Joy said Pirro is always dressed like she’s leaving for a New Year’s party. I looked at her garb when she interview DJT and Joy was right. She had some see-through topped black dress. I mean NOBODY dresses like that.

This is ageist, what I am about to type: I am 68yo, I believe Pirro is around my age.

At ‘our’ age, you can’t dress like a sparkly little thing. We are adult women. We are older adult women.

Pirro should not dress like she is going out to a bar to troll for some ‘hot stuff.’ (She is 67. Ann Coulter is 57. Laura Ingraham is 55.) It’s like the TRUMP-ISTAS can’t face the fact that they are not ‘hot young things’ anymore.

Yeah, I am ageist.

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Frankly, Pirro was never . .

Oh, never mind. There is nothing I can say that will be kind, interesting, worthwhile or worth wasting my time commenting on anything or anyone on FOX news.

Except Hannity and Shep Smith.

Hannity continues to lie about his involvement with Michael Cohen and I keep wondering at what point FOX decides to pull Hannity’s tongue out of Trump’s mouth (I won’t post the pictures). And, Shep Smith continues to criticize his prime time and morning colleagues. Does FOX believe that ‘truth in the afternoon’ is the Fair and Balanced they are always talking about? How long can this go on? I guess only until the prime time money runs dry.

Go Rachel!

We have an expression for that:
There is a reason seniors leave the lights off during sex

Any two-bit local TV news host would lose their job over this careless and spiteful stunt. Only on Faux is it what we’ve come to expect every day.

Anyone care to pen a definition for ‘pirromaniac’?

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Yet another disgraceful act from a failed attorney

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And for the record, the Democrats in Puerto Rico were there raising some $15 million in relief funds.


Had someone at lunch today repeat the accusation that the Dems were just there partying during the shutdown.

My response was, those were the same Democrats that passed several bills to re-open the government which were then sent to the Senate where no action was taken. I think they deserved that time.

That shut him up.


“It was also reported in the National Enquirer, which has been reported to be even more accurate than the The Washington Post.”

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PIRRO is a strange woman…when she talks to TRUMPf, in her strident voice…she sounds like his mother demanding he take his hands out of his pockets, now! she is pure dominatrix, where is her whip?

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Pirro also lied about Chiselin’ Trump’s not having left the White House:

“Look, you were in the White House during the Christmas holidays and over New Year’s, and you’ve been there ever since,” Pirro said to Trump.

Of course, we all know that he left the White House just last week, to visit the border for a photo-op.


I feel inadequate for the task. However, it should include dominatrixism: