Discussion: Photographer Files Complaint With IG After Fired For Leaking Photos Of Perry

After Dancing with the Stars he’s embarrassed by this?
He has shame ?
Who knew?


I have ambivalent feelings about this. I guess not enough detail in the article to form an opinion (for me).


Say what?! Secretary Goodhair is embarrassed by a photo of him hugging a coal industry bigwig? Was it the hug? Nah. Certainly not the coal industry association. Ah! It’s the “left leaning” magazine!

Or maybe it was the “Kick Me” sign Murray taped to Perry’s back during their embrace…


Me too. When you take pictures of a client, who is paying you, they get to decide how and if they will be used. That said, Perry is an ignorant asshole.


Makes you wonder about what Perry was doing in the NSFW photos that were taken of him and Murray?


Not sure I really want to know.

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Here’s an article about this from nytimes. They said he is seeking “whistleblower” status (missing in the TPM version), and that it was because he was alarmed by some of the wheeling and dealing w/Perry apparently agreeing to demands from the coal guy.


Who is the client? Perry or the American people?


You’re a rich coal guy and probably don’t need one more dime for you, your kids, your grandkids and probably your great grandkids to live on top if not high on the hog. Why the fuck do you work to keep an industry going that doesn’t pay it’s workers that well, gives most of it’s workers deadly diseases, and pollutes and kills thousands more? What the fuck is wrong with some you? I just don’t understand some folks “needs”.

Some reminders. These, and current pics of China, are what I think about when people and republicans bitch and moan about the EPA and pollution regulation.


“Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day.” - Harry Truman

I am willing to make an exception for Rick Perry.


Exactly, Trump and Cabinet of Deplorables work for us, after all out tax dollars pay their salaries.


If I read the article correctly he works for the Department of Energy. His work product is, therefore, the property of the Department of Energy. That Perry consorts with energy (coal in this case) executives is hardly whistle-blower level. Anyway, I said I felt ambivalent.


Unfortunately, the photographer probably doesn’t have a case. He was working for the DoE and published its work product in an outside magazine without DoE’s permission.

Oops. I now see @michaelryerson already said exactly the same thing.


I know members of a family owned coal business. The image of them from the workers was that they were “rich but wanted to be super-rich”. I think that pretty much describes them.

I feel like it’s basically addiction.

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OT This is going to be yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge!


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Money hoarding to be specific.

Yeah really most of it just sitting somewhere above and beyond all the stuff they have.

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I’d guess every aspect of Donald’s life and campaign have a lot of Russian money in them. They are the only ones that would work with him and he with them and they kept him afloat financially. All halfway legit folks with money knew he was a sinkhole as well as a shithole.