Discussion: Phil Robertson Shares Gruesome Fantasy About Rape, Murder Of Atheists

This is an example of freedom of speech ??? Many right wing religious people see nothing wrong with exercising hate speech and calling it “freedom.” Gay bashing? Their right. Slut shaming outside women’s health clinics? Okay by them … it’s their religious right to be horrible, hurt others, and trample the rights of anyone who disagrees with them.

This is nothing more than Phil’s sick fantasy of what a godless world is like.
I’m wondering if the Taliban are getting their ideas from people like Phil.

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It never ceases to amaze me. How can people such as Phil who profess a faith that is based on love for others and peace on earth … How can they profess also such hate? What’s up with a mind that can do that? Seems sick to me.

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Phil Roberston
Duck Commander
117 Kings Lane
West Monroe, LA 71292

March 25, 2015

(via email)

Dear Mr. Robertson,

I’m a big fan of “Duck Dynasty” and you, your family, your faith and your values. And like you, I’m a committed Christian who can understand how you might take some delight in imagining horrible and violent acts happening atheists who had done nothing wrong (except not believe).

Still, some of your comments Friday at the Vero Beach Prayer Breakfast were a bit over the top. I was there.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s FINE to fantasize about a family of atheists, at home, minding their own business when suddenly their house is invaded by some crazed evildoers who tie up the dad then rape and kill young daughters in front of him – and decapitate his wife, and then cut off his penis before sending him to meet his maker, too. I can see how that would be a nice little just-desserts daydream for a Godly person.

But good grief, man, you should keep that shit to yourself, and for your own pleasure, rather than announce it AT A PRAYER BREAKFAST. For Heaven’s sake, the stale biscuits and industrial coffee at those things are hard enough on the stomach. You don’t want to make it worse with revolting imagery of sex crimes, blood, gore and a family torn asunder.

These fantasies are kind of like masturbation, you know? You enjoy that in private, not in public, lest you come across as some kind of fiend, especially with the pedophilia aspects. Did you notice how the crowd stopped laughing and giggling when you turned to that stuff? I’d bet you’ve never heard an atheist talk with barely suppressed glee about seeing a family of Christians torn apart by a pack of hungry wolves, or anything like that.

All of which is to say, tone it down a little, brother. Give those prayer breakfast crowds a little prayer, and maybe a heartwarming story about the role the Lord played in your latest hunting expedition. Bash on Obamacare all you want, too. That’ stuff is always more palatable than raped and murdered young girls.

(Even if they were atheists.)

Yours in Jesus,

Arthur Mofodopoulis
748 21st Street
Vero Beach, FL 32960


joined TPM 4 hours ago. get linked here by drudge or something?

This guy is psychotic and needs mental health attention. What a jack off.

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It was just a routine Dick Dynasty performance to stir up the rubes. Truly PR is an evil POS, but he is only in it for the money.

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Conservative Christian values? Well they maybe conservative but for sure not Christian.

Phil, if God is the only reason that keeps you from doing this to somebody and his family, you need some serious help. And this is from a Christian.

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vile spew. you really make a great case for religion, buddy.

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There are people on the planet committing these kinds of atrocities, from ISIS to Boko Harum(sp). And they generally claim they are doing it for religious reasons, and their victims usually are believers of a different faith.

So this kind of rape and murder is more likely to happen to you if you believe than if you don’t. and it will be a religious person who does it to you.

So Phil, if you feel a need to go after someone, how about religious extremist.
And you don’t have to go to Iraq to find them…not if you have a mirror.

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And from the south came a profit who is full of wisdom and charity in caring for all his flock equally, as he looks in the mirror of his own soul he knows he is right and right is good.

The statement. Winners need not be present to be here. Makes more sense than Phil Robertson’s tribe ever did.

Oh for christs sake.

Here’s the poster boy for the religious rights, religious freedom crap! Bigot!

Duck Commander or Duck Ayatollah?

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Projecting much?

What a fine example to show what is really wrong with these unhinged religious fanatics. His mind is so perverted by religion he can’t tell right from wrong. His attempt to make atheism something it is not is really disgusting to have stooped to such an unfitting analogy.

Unbathed, Bearded Teahadist Explains Details of His Sexual Fantasies In Public.


So he is saying that the only thing stopping him from raping children and decapitating [someone’s head off?] is his belief in a god?

As a non-believer, my desire to be a good person is based off of… my desire to be a good person; not the fear of getting caught.

What scares me about supposedly religious folk who think this way is the implication that fear of a magic sky monster is the only thing preventing them from doing such horrible things. If you can’t see that stuff is wrong without being brainwashed from birth about supernatural beings and magic books, then there is something deeply disturbed about you. In addition, if the only thing keeping you from behaving like that is blind faith, what happens when your faith is shaken? Are you a liability, a time-bomb waiting to explode?

CUT Robertson’s testicles off and sew them in his mouth!

Hey, fuckaduck, at last give credit to Deliverance, willya?

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