He adopted a cat? That’s some pretty weak shit character witnessing right there.
Too bad that those who drove the economy over the cliff in the 2,006 through 2,008 didn’t suffer the same (or worse) fate. And, legislators continue to loosen regulations that caused that!
Only if he pays money for it. And at an inflated rate.
Stick it to ya … suddenly takes on a whole new meaning …
It’s a minimum of 5 years, 346 days. You have to serve at least 85% of any federal sentence over a year, even with good time. (100% of the short ones).
Will cry even more once “La Steve” gets a hold of him
“Bitch” is a word that he is going to hate…
You’ll notice the cat didn’t have anything to say in his favor. But then, most cats wouldn’t.
and i usually respect you nc - but another lazy slur on felines.
It’s okay. I am a multiple, and life long cat lover. Or “owner.” Pet ownership is just a legal fiction humans use to apportion responsibility for the damage.
I think the crowd of cats I had for years until they all went over the Rainbow Bridge, would totally have stood up for me in court. I think my current cat, however, wouldn’t even notice I was gone as long as someone was feeding her and refilling the bird feeder.
So screwing over sick people to jack up the price of meds isn’t a big deal. But don’t f*ck with Wall Street!
Turns out, you can still only prosecute people for stuff that is actually against the law. Call me crazy, but I think that’s a good thing.
You know, OT, sure, but your point got me thinking. If Kim Jung Un decided to arrest Dotard T rump like he as of many other Americans who visit N. Korea, would the United States retaliate?
It’s not a joke.
Beat me to it. Great minds and all of that.
As the town’s designated crazy cat lady, I absolve you. also, i believe in SF, they passed an ordinance that people were no longer pet ‘owners’, they were ‘animal guardians’ - sometime back in the 90’s I believe?
anyway, didn’t mean to get touchy, I just notice on movies and tv, every time there is violence against an animal, it’s always a cat, which some reason justifies its hilarity. or it’s lazy screenwriters shorthand for ‘less manly’ or ‘crazy’ and it’s a getting a little old. hey, here I am ranting about something that isn’t GOP related - hey, it feels great! that and the ‘pharma bro’ sentencing is making a pretty good afternoon.
Ha! We’d send a gift basket.
To the Korean People:
Give us back our president please. But if you don’t feel like it, that’s ok.
President Pence
he he … that’s a happy thought …
but kim’s benefactors ie : weapons tech. … fuel … (rubles) …
know that donnie does much more damage right where he’s at ----
He’ll have a lot of “pen” pals.
Don’t give Mike Pence ideas…