Discussion: Pew: What If The Libertarian Movement Doesn't Really Exist?

You know when Hunter Thompson ran for sheriff in Aspen, part of his campaign was that he would arrest and prosecute every drug dealer in the area. He knew who they were and where to find them,and he felt drugs should be given freely, and not be a business.


Paradoxically, conventional Republicans are embarrassed to associate with gold-standard morons who want to wax the Federal Reserve, Dept of Education, EPA etc.


I suspect Rand Paul would carry on the authoritarian tradition of today’s GOP. The liberty of his libertarianism is extended to the powerful in the form of less taxes and regulations for the 1%. The authoritarianism of today’s GOP is extended to the 99%, for our own good, doncha know.


The reality is that when a lot of older, cranky white males realize that they simply can’t manage the people skills to get along with anyone else, they decide that that means that they’re “libertarian.”
It usually doesn’t mean anything more than “I vote Republican but am not good at defending the men I vote for.”


I’ve tried as well, and without too much tweaking for circumstance, it comes down to Mine! Mine! Mine!! MINE!!!


A libertarian is a lazy anarchist


Like their heroine, Alisa Rosenbaum, they decry the Government while simultaneously depositing their Social Security checks and filling out their Medicare reimbursement forms.


I listened to a libertarian advocate that the local country club is free to discriminate all they want against women. That, in fact, the attempt to stop them was a violation of a fundamental right. However, women, apparently, do not have any fundamental rights to engage in commerce, etc. In short, libertarians defend the rights of the powerful to assert power, and deny the rights of those out of power to anything. It is, in short, a way for white men to justify their right to oppress.

That and a way for republicans to come out for pot legalization, and in some very rare cases, marriage equality.


Who are these Republicans who aren’t for the gold standard, and don’t want to abolish the Fed, the Department of Education and the EPA of whom you speak? Because as best I can tell, they went extinct sometime between the beginning and the end of Richard Lugar’s last term in the Senate.


It’s a fad for many college students as well and Rand exploits that at every chance.

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Behold! Rand Son of Ron! He will lead us to the Libertarian Moment and ever after we will dwell in the house of Ayn.


Gil Scott Heron intoned:

‘Your life ain’t nothin’ but a movie…’

And at times-- it can seem so.

But it’s not a hackneyed pulp novel–
like the Paul’s and Ryan’s of our government would like (us) to believe.


Might be easier to mention those who do - Ron Paul. The rest have supply-side delusions but I wasn’t aware they’re also pro gold-standard.

No Republican (Faux Libertarian or not) wants to pay taxes. That’s what the little people are for.


“There are still many Americans who do not have a clear sense of what ‘libertarian’ means,”
Pew’s Jocelyn Kiley wrote…"

Nor ‘communist’, nor ‘fascist’, nor ‘Marxist’, nor ‘racism’, nor ‘evolution’, nor ‘physics’…

How may keytrokes per post again?
…nor ‘WMD’, nor ‘gun accidents’, nor ‘birth control’, nor ‘corruption’, nor ‘compassion’…

Am I getting close yet?
…nor ‘equal rights’, nor ‘voting rights’… ~sigh~

And Rand Paul wants to be POTUS?
Only if the same 53M fools who pulled the lever for GWB in 2004-- do so again.



Problem is, the nation has been dragged so far to the right, everyone’s starting to sound like “libertarians.”

Libertarian == Republican who likes to smoke weed and look at pr0n

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The Times has some good qualities and many bad, and one of the many bad is a tendency to breezily assert that a certain trend is now underway. Lots of times it’s obviously nothing more than someone who needs a story idea hearing or seeing a couple instances of something and deciding it’s a trend. You walk down the street and see two or three bicyclists who have a certain look, and suddenly it’s fashionable women on bicycles! Or there’s a trend of not drinking aperitifs. I wouldn’t give you a nickel for a NYT features writer who can’t make a trend story out of pretty much literally anything.


Anytime someone tells me they are Libertarian I ask them to tell me what the Libertarian Party platform says about a woman’s right to choose and marriage equality (hint, they are the same as the Democratic Party) and then sit back and watch them twist themselves into knots trying to explain how they can call themselves Libertarian and be against those fundamental Libertarian tenets.


People are drawn to the “Libertarian” label by their cultural biases rather than political philosophy. The conservative American pathos always has held independence and liberty to be uniquely American qualities, so people who consider themselves “patriots” nowadays embrace “libertarianism” as the term in vogue for self-perceived “independent” types.

When prejudices contradict philosophical purity, conservatism adapts though cognitive dissonance by simply rationalizing the contradiction away. An authentic reappraisal of one’s thinking is just not what conservatives do.


Everyone tends to forget, as well, that the biggest libertarians in the USofA are the Koch Brothers.

Sell your soul to them for pot and lower taxes on the rich.

I guess the new motto is “Selfishness is good.”