Discussion: Pete King: Hillary Clinton Should've Mentioned Giuliani In Speech On Race

Discussion for article #235850

Yes, and while she is at it, thank Guiliani for his serial racist comments about the POTUS.


The offensive, racist pig, Congressman Peter King should shut his mouth and stop trying to incite racial division. Hillary Clinton should thank Rudy Giuliani, one of the most racist politicians the city of New Your has ever known? A mayor that was a leader of stop-and-frisk; of mass incarceration of black men should be thanked for what, exactly?

F*ck you, Peter King.


I read Mrs. Clinton’s speech. I’ll tell you why Mr. Giuliani was not mentioned. The dramatic drop in crime over Giuliani’s term was due to two thing: 1) It was part of a national trend. 2) The reforms that Mayor Dinkins was able to put in place just prior to leaving office and Giuliani taking over.

While serving as mayor, Giuliani never once credited his predecessor for any of the reforms and how they helped in the reduction. No, all Giuliani did was force/allow law enforcement (some bad apples – not all) to just plain harass the hell out of many citizens. No, Giuliani never credited Mayor Dinkins’ efforts – but he sure took all the credit.

This, folks, is why Hillary Clinton never mentioned the mayor who served in between Mayor Dinkins and Mayor Bloomberg.


Yes she should have mentioned him, right after George Wallace, Ross Barnett and Orval Faubus.


“If Sec. Clinton were being honest about addressing race relations in America, she would have pointed to the progress made in New York City by the policies of Rudy Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg and the NYPD which reduced the murder rate by 80%,”

Mr. Garner still can’t breathe, Peter.


Pampered, bloated quibblers quibble…

Giuliani was to NYC race relations like Bernard Kerik was to NYC law enforcement.


If she wanted to bring up the personification of everything blacks are protesting about their oppression, then yes, mentioning Rudy Giuliani would’ve been a very good idea.


Somehow, the word “should” and the words “Peter King” do not go together.

Apart from the word “resignation”.


She forgot to thank Reagan too.

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What should she have mentioned, Oh Bloated One? That Giuliani was so afraid of getting his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton that he dropped out of the senate race against her? Or should she have mentioned that Rudy and Bloomberg’s stop and frisk policy is part of the legacy of rampant racism that allows out of control police officers to get away with murder?

And by the way, in Hillary Clinton’s speech, she did give credit to the good work that good police officers do, in direct contradiction of what King said. Here’s a couple of key quotes:

“And yet again, brave police officers have been attacked in the line of duty.”

“There’s a lot of good work to build on. Across the country, there are so many police officers out there every day inspiring trust and confidence, honorably doing their duty, putting themselves on the line to save lives. There are police departments already deploying creative and effective strategies, demonstrating how we can protect the public without resorting to unnecessary force. We need to learn from those examples, build on what works.”

I think it’s really important that we don’t let lies stand unchallenged, because an unchallenged lie becomes a Republican truth.


There is also the fact that Guiliani’s credit for the decrease in violent crime is misplaced as studies indicate the decrease is directly attributable to the lead abatement efforts that began in the 70s:

Interesting quote from the Mother Jones article:

All in all, it seemed to be a story with a happy ending, a triumph for Wilson and Kelling’s theory and Giuliani and Bratton’s practice. And yet, doubts remained. For one thing, violent crime actually peaked in New York City in 1990, four years before the Giuliani-Bratton era. By the time they took office, it had already dropped 12 percent.

I get really tired of the Guiliani myth that he is the hero that swooped in and ended violent crime in NYC.


What the fuck has Guiliani to do with a speech my HRC on race? Now if it were about heroic actions taken by the former mayor of NYC on 9/11 I could understand Pete King getting exercised (giggles at his pun) but I doubt Giuliani has any relevance to HRC’s speech other than his asinine comments about the POTUS.

Its the surge mentality of George The Goober Bush. The cops contribute to the murder rate by fighting the wrong fight then claim to reduce it by doing something about the mess that they created. Somehow turning a negative into a positive.

Its like saying that you’ve got your alcoholism under control because you only drink a twelve pack a day now instead of a case plus a fifth of whiskey like you used to. You were awful then and are still a major drunk now.


I agree. She should have ended her speech by saying. “Oh by the way Giuliani is an Ass”.


Hillary Twister, it’s fun! And who would have thought Pete was limber enough to play…


Because, of course, he is the arbiter of all things Democratic/Hillary! NOT!!

OMGosh – thank you for bringing up that study!! I’d forgotten about how the reduction of lead in our environment has had a pretty profound (positive) effect! I read that a little ways back and I think it makes a hell of a lot of sense. This is just more solid proof we need to invest far more energies into teaching the sciences. We need the EPA; we need environmental scientists; we need to more heavily invest ourselves in this direction, especially considering the profound changes in our climate and environment.

Again, thank you!!


li’l Peter King = racist, I.R.A. terror-thug supporting congresscretin