Discussion: Penn. Attorney General Found Guilty Of Leaking Grand Jury Secrets, Perjury

The trial judge I clerked for saved his harshest sentences for those who abused a public or private trust.


What an unbelievably dumbass thing to do. She deserves what she gets. Sheesh.


Corrupt people should be removed from office, doesn’t matter if they are Dem or Rep.


As cute as she is, she’ll be in big demand once she’s in the slam.

Factual error in second to last paragraph. Governor is Tom Wolf, not Tom Kane.

Sort of like an episode of the old “Good Wife” series. Don’t they teach ethics in law school anymore?

Hoisted upon her own Petard of arrogance, ignorance, and power.
It doesn’t matter what was done to her first, her responses were asinine, immature, stupid, and ILLEGAL.
Good riddance to her.
This is the difference between Democrats and Republicans. The Republicans would still be supporting her, and running “gofundme” sites for her and attacking the press about it. Democrats shake their heads and walk away as she is not deserving of our support. We put evidence and the Law above Party. Republicans are purely tribal.

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She’ll never practice law again. She’ll never again hold public office. Unless she has family money her post prison life will be very different than what she was accustomed to.