Discussion: Pence Won't Say If Paul Ryan Should Be Re-Elected As House Speaker

While I agree with Pence on the issue of Ryan being re-elected as Speaker (he should not) We may arrive at this conclusion by different means. I believe that Nancy Pilosi should be Speaker and Ryan should be retired back to his family in Wisconsin. Pence wants the Speaker to be some even more goofy Alt-Right goon who neither knows or cares about how to govern. The same as Trump.


The GOP’s plan is to get Trump elected, then work to get him removed from office. They’ll have the house, senate, supreme court, and pres. Pence. Coup within a coup.


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“My respect for Paul Ryan is boundless,” he told the Review twice. “I’m not a member of the House Republican conference anymore. I wouldn’t presume upon what the members of the conference choose.”

According to the Review, one of Pence’s senior advisers later explained that if Pence was still a member of Congress, he would vote to re-elect Ryan.

I wish that advisor had let Pence say that. After all Pence did endorse Ryan, even though Trump was deciding on doing so.


i’m moving to Austin then.

If they think that there isn’t any consequence from a Trump impeachment…

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I think the GOP no longer suffers negative political consequences.

Why would the Drumpf campaign albino lap dog have an opinion?

they will learn the hard way then.

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Thanks for the support, Mike? At least he didn’t put the knife in Paulie’s back right there on the stage.

“My respect for Paul Ryan is boundless,” he told the Review twice. “I’m not a member of the House Republican conference anymore. I wouldn’t presume upon what kind of enema the members of the conference choose to give Paul Ryan.”

Looks like Pence got Trump’s memo.

I can’t believe we’ve gone almost the entire election without Ryan being asked if he would support Trump’s signature position of making Mexico pay for his border wall.


Mike Pence is right. Paul Ryan should go.

Paul Ryan has a pretty Ken doll-face but he is lazy and incompetent. He more incompetent than John Boehner who was drunk or crying most of the time. Paul Ryan is corrupt crook who brownnoses and sucks up to the Kochs.

Nancy Pelosi (sic) is my representative, sound of cheering, and I couldn’t agree more. She’s known for working hard on whatever she tackles and we wouldn’t have had the two very productive years between Obama’s election and the onset of the tea party fever if it hadn’t been for her.

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Pence refused three times to answer whether he believes Ryan should be re-elected. Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.

It’s what the Xtian right does.

The Republican Party is fine with this.

Better, they say, to elect this kind of man, than elect a Democrat who might succeed in actually helping the country.

It would be terrible for Republicans if something good were to happen.

Equally appalling is he’s on tape bragging about barging into (deliberately and in a premeditated fashion) the dressing room of teenage beauty pageant contestants specifically to catch them in various stages of undress and/or nudity so he could “inspect” them. THIS is the man Republican voters want as President. I swear we’ve tumbled down the rabbit hole.

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Incredible that they would passively let this man lecture them about morality.

Seems to me, if that’s the case, there must be some way for us to.