That’s something no one should be forced to see under any circumstances.
That’s something no one should be forced to see under any circumstances.
Looks like Pence might be in the need of some reparative therapy.
Pence is just fluffing tRump so he’ll continue down this ruinous path towards impeachment- it’s the only way Pence will be POTUS.
Disgusted, yes, but I will state again for the record I’m not scared of my pants. He described his radio show as “rush limbo on decaf” which is an amusing line but a terrible pitch. Rush Limbaugh on decaf is just getting lectured by a stuck-up parson’s son. And that tends not to be super popular.
Pence Scratches Trump’s Back
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Pence and tRump, mirror images: fuckin’ idiot and uckin’ fidiot.
Pence Scratches Trump's Back
Ooops … I slipped …
Clever! Channeling Garner, but funny either way!
I can’t wait till this Opus Dei asshat nonenity is out of office.He is a timid, unoriginal bore.
I knew the studied observers of political science here would get it
I fear, that Pence is a Christian Fanatic (and Imbecile) of the “We Have to Kiil Humanity to Save It”-denomination, I would not want him near the nuclear launch codes.
“…the American people elected this man…”
That distortion is a pet peeve of mine.
Everyone that paid attention knows that’s wrong. It’s simply part of the never ending attempt of Trump and his surrogates rewrite history, wash away Trump’s embarrassment with his popular vote loss and legitimize his election.
Pence seems as empty headed as Rick Perry with a slightly better ability not to expose the void as much or often.
True, the correct formujlation would be “…the Electoral College elected this man…” , but that doesn’t sounds as good…