Because he’s a Constitutional Originalist.
Well, I see that the Trump/Pence logo was accurate.
What do you think of that Bernie Bros voting for rump?
Let’s not hear anymore about what a “Midwestern Gentleman” Pence is. He wants to suppress the freedoms of women, gays, and now Muslims. The Hoosier bit is hooey.
He’s not changing his mind–he’s a Republican. “Offensive” and “unconstitutional” means “good”!
“I am very supportive of Donald Trump’s call to temporarily suspend immigration from countries where terrorist influence and impact represents a threat to the United States,” Pence said on Fox News.
Unfortunately, this is not a description of the “ban on all Muslims” that Trump advocates. Trump has called for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” Pence’s statement is much closer to the ban suggested by Jimmy Carter during the Hostage Crisis which focused on immigration from a particular country (Iran) rather than a ban on a specific religion.
The differences between the two are enormous and represent the the gap between security concerns and wholesale bigotry. It’s a shame the media can’t follow Pence’s statement to its logical conclusion.
This is a poor headline. From what I read here (and in a separate article), Pence is not singling out Muslims explicitly.
Please report what he said without editorializing.
… the point is that what Pence says now is wrong for different reasons than the ban on all Muslims.
“I think comments that suggest that Muslims should be banned from the United States are offensive and unconstitutional,” he told reporters in December. “The United States cannot and should not discriminate on the basis of religion. The free exercise of religion is at the very heart of our constitutional guarantee for all persons in this country. And so I find those comments to be offensive and unconstitutional.”
Senator Pat Geary ® NV
You’re referring to this one?
Yeah, but at least he’s ethical.
Campaign finance records from the 1990 effort showed that Pence, then 31, had been using political donations to pay the mortgage on his house, his personal credit card bill, groceries, golf tournament fees and car payments for his wife.
According to FEC documents, Pence spent a total of $12,867 from his 1990 campaign account for personal expenses, including seven installments of his $992 monthly mortgage and his wife’s $222 a month car payment.
Pence was unapologetic at the time, telling reporters that he had taken a 30 percent pay cut to run for office and needed the money. “I’m not embarrassed that I need to make a living,” he said.
I agree. The opening sentence of the report is contradicted by the following quotation from Pence. This is sloppy journalism and some TPM reporters are falling into this. I’m commenting here because I hold this website in high regard and hate to see it get sloppy or down right inaccurate.
“…is that we’ve got to find out what’s going on…”
Yo. What does this even mean?! When Trump first said it I thought it was a one-off thing but apparently “we’ve got to found out what’s going on” ™ is an official part of the catchphrase.
Uh huh…tell us MORE about these ‘values’ you hold Mikey…
So Mr. Flippy Floppy now supports what he once characterized as “offensive” and "unconstitutional?"
Did he say it with a grin / as he wiped off his chin?
“My thinking has devolved on this issue.”
Romney would have needed to be told to drop to his knees. Pence drops to his knees willingly.
All this hate and division that these two are pushing is creating more and more problems. They speak only of hate and bigotry. They make no attempt to be inclusive of ALL people.
Not exactly the anti-Hillary.