Bastards are planning for the post-Trump Pence Regency (see–Ford’s prenegotiated pardon of Nixon). Must stop them.
Now we know who is asking them the questions about Roe v Wade.
So is Pence’s wife is also meeting with the SC Candidates?
Given at least one woman is being interviewed?
Paul’s objections echo those made by outside conservative groups over Kavanaugh, who is seen by some as to much an establishment-aligned choice.
Is this statement implying that what’s governing their choice is an “outsider” who is truly bat sh*t crazy?
And that is how The Dumpster gets away with saying I did not ask about ____ beliefs, he gets Pencie to do the dirty deed.
Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner.
Just a question for anyone who is closer to Indiana, how did Pence do in vetting his staff while Governor?
Did they pray together before or after exchanging bribes?
Q. 1) Do you support the ability of a sitting POTUS to exercise the power of a self-pardon?
No? Welcome aboard.
Let’s hope Mother Pence chooses wisely, and keeps Mikey safe, away from any females…
The Rowe v Wade is one of the questions Mickey is asking. The others are, “Do you agree to rule that a president cannot be indicted, subpoenaed, or questioned under oath? Do you agree to publicly say no one is above the law while doing whatever it takes to make sure no law applies to our Dear Leader?” What a silly-ass charade!
This is the part of the interview process in which the Supreme Court candidate is quizzed on Canon Law.