Discussion: Pence Hits Scripted Dems As Trump Camp Calls Kaine 'Unhinged' In Unison

And while I’m at it did that Daddy-O-Doofus Jason Miller go to the Chuck Todd Beatnik school of bad goatees?
WTF You don’t have a mirror in your house?

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Kaine may “look” unhinged to paid partisan mercenaries, but Trump IS “unhinged” and the entire country saw it.


“The Clinton campaign likes to throw around words like sexism and unhinged. They’ve got to be regretting words like that on a night like tonight when Tim Kaine looked like both,”

WTF? Fuck the “unhinged” nonsense. That’s just Rove’s Rule No. 1…projection…coming into play in an attempt to bait the MSM into a false equivalence that “both campaigns have a temperamental streak” narrative. What I’m more interested in is how she arrived at the blatantly insane conclusion that Kaine looked “sexist” last night. I mean, he absolutely nailed the abortion discussion and was the only one to even mention equal pay.


Remember when we used to fall for the crap dished out in the spin room. Personally I just watch the event and turn off the tube. I don’t need to know what the professional propagandists are telling the professional stenographers.


Pence wins? This is great news. Once the media expands coverage of the whitest guy ever to run for VP center stage and amplifies his ‘guns, god, anti-abortion’ message --along with his lame Trump apologies-- undecided voters should continue to be driven away from the GOP.


Not “racist”? Did they forget?

They’re ALWAYS celebrating “Opposite Day” on Trumplandia’s Animal Farm____ Where Napoleon (Trump) and Snowball (Pence) work together in an uneasy peace. Napoleon, after all the attention Snowball’s getting today, is of course still very wary of his second.


Now they should pivot to “I’m not touching you.”


And the same term Hillary used to describe Donald after the first debate. They can’t even come up with their own epithets, the plagiarizing bastards!

Short-hoofed vulgarian!




You beat me to saying that, my daughter showed me a Tweet from the RNC stating that exact message shortly after 7 Eastern last evening.

Ditto. That is if I can even get up the energy to watch in the first place. With all the sites doing spin and “reporting” on the net the next day the effort to actually listen to the endless drone does not seem worth it.

Unhinged, really? Kaine was at 3, Trump regularly goes to 11.

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I have no idea what Kellyanne Conway meant by “sexism,” but I thought that one of the most cringe-worthy moments in the debate came when Kaine was pressing some talking point rather than answering the question, and when the moderator tried to get him back on track, he responded in the most patronizing way possible, “This is important, Elaine.” It’s not for nothing that several commentators I’ve read have characterized the VP debate as “Two white men talking over a woman of color.”

This is the 3rd grade Trump campaign at work. Clinton calls Trump “Unhinged” (because, let’s face it, he is), and he turns around with “I know you are, but what am I?”

Anything the GOP accuses Dems of is something they are already doing. Their whole existence is projection–they are takers and users, so everyone else is a taker and a user. They are unimaginative robots who never vary their script no matter what they situation, so Kaine is “scripted.”

It really gets tiresome that we have to deal with an entire party of liars and a media that rarely calls them out on it. Trump’s mendacity has been so extreme that the media finally started tuning into it and reporting on it, but we saw how they started to get bored with that until the critical moment when they got played at his “I used to be a birther” conference/hotel tour. I hate the GOP and I kinda hate the media.

I want my country back.

hahahaha calloing kane unhinged?? hell drumpf and pence campaign’s are held togeather with old bubble gum and rusty bailing wire…talk about never being hinged in the first place

Let’s do “unhinged” in harmony after the next debate…