"As I said last week, Democrats in the Senate have gone from “advice and consent” to “resist and obstruct”
his boss is Donald John Trump
previously on “Pency”
- previously on “Cotton”
- previously on “the Donald Trump Show”
"As I said last week, Democrats in the Senate have gone from “advice and consent” to “resist and obstruct”
his boss is Donald John Trump
previously on “Pency”
Two word, sir: Merrick Garland.
Ask your friend, Mitch McConnell, about him.
Go ahead.
I’ll wait.
Pence doesn’t think was enough for me…Moving on.
There are days I hope there is an afterlife, so that people like Pence can spend eternity having their hypocrisy read back to them, along with having to face up to people who were forced to suffer because of it. It’s infuriating for him to say this, especially when you consider what the last two years would have been like with Garland on the bench…so many things that were turned away would have been put through, like making partisan gerrymandering illegal, that it’s just sad to thing about. And that’s going to get worse with Kavanaugh, or whatever right wing nut job gets forced on us by Trump for the next few decades.
You stole my very words.
Actually, that’s “Bless your little heart.”
Yo, yo Mikey P. you never ever had to interview a Supreme Court nominee dude. We’ve haven’t seen the likes of this cat with a paper trail like this dude. So back off jack and all good things come to those who read.
Reality tv show host Donald Trump is President.
His Vice President talks about respect and his wife campaigns against cyber bullying. Have they met him?
I’m waiting for the successor nominee, Sam O’Nella
Gonna veer just a little OT, but there’s a Canadian woman who very shortly is going to be treated very badly by the American president.
Pence Doesn’t Think
All I needed to read.
Mike Pence can kiss my ass!
Go Cheney yourself, you traitorous fellow-traveler.
We don’t. And Democrats have to stop acting as if we do.
I think it’s only appropriate…
Fuck you, Pence.
Sorry, folks, but Democrats have to get over the Merrick Garland nomination and start learning from it. It was a naked, brutal display of political power on the part of Senate Republicans; exactly the kind of thing Democrats should exercise if they ever get control of Congress again (which, to me, is still a big ‘if’).