Discussion: Pence: Clinton's 'Deplorables' Remark 'Disqualifies' Her

It’s become pretty clear that Pence is more deplorable than most of Trump’s other supporters. Who sells their soul to the devil in that way just to become a household term for craven opportunist? When you can’t break away from the KKK, you are the very definition of a conservative failure.


It’s not surprising that someone with deplorable homophobic views like Pence wouldn’t recognize his fellow travelers as deplorable. They’re running a documented racist and a documented bigot on their ticket. Of course the people who support them are going to be deplorable.


What “unforced error”? This was brilliantly, strategically, and breathtakingly fully pre-planned by the HRC campaign, to great and lasting effect.


Forget Trump What about him? Glass house

** He signed one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country.
In April, Gov. Pence signed into law a bill that forbids abortion on the basis of fetal chromosomal abnormalities, including Down syndrome, among other factors. The law further bans fetal-tissue donation — requiring any aborted or miscarried fetus to be cremated or buried. And it placed onerous restrictions on abortion providers nearly identical to those that the Supreme Court recently found unconstitutional in Texas.

He signed a bill that made it OK for Indiana businesses to discriminate against LGBT customers.
In 2015, Pence signed a “religious freedom” law, whose sweeping language permitted Indiana businesses to refuse to serve LGBT Americans, much like Southern businesses used to discriminate against African-Americans during the days of segregation.

Backlash against the law was swift and intense. Pence was forced to quickly sign a bill amending the legislation, which the governor claimed had been subject to “mischaracterizations.”
. He blocked the resettlement of Syrian refugees in Indiana — and illegally tried to cut off federal aid to existing refugees.
In the wake of the massacre in Paris last fall, Pence issued an executive order to block the resettlement of Syrian war refugees in Indiana. Not content to keep new war widows and orphans out of the state, Pence upped the xenophobic ante by also trying to cut off federal aid to those already in the state. A federal judge blocked Pence’s action, writing that the governor’s order “clearly constitutes national origin discrimination” and “in no way directly, or even indirectly, promotes the safety of Indiana citizens.”

He’s an unreconstructed drug warrior.
At a time when lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are tackling the nation’s drug problems with less focus on incarceration, Pence signed a bill to reinstating a mandatory minimum drug sentence. Many drug users sell drugs on the side to support their addictions. Thanks to Pence, any Indiana resident convicted twice for selling meth or heroin is now sentence to a full decade in prison. Expressing his pleasure at signing a law stripping judges of discretion in drug sentencing, Pence declared, “We need to make it clear that Indiana will not tolerate the actions of criminals.”


Hmmm…maybe it is disqualified. If so, Trump has been disqualified from the presidency about 237 times.


“What Hillary Clinton apparently doesn’t know is that the people supporting this campaign are hard-working Americans,” he said. “They’re people that run businesses. They’re veterans, members of the armed forces. They’re law enforcement officers, moms, dads, and farmers.”

“I’ll say again, that Donald Trump supporters are not a basket of anything. They are Americans and they deserve the respect of the Democrat nominee for president of the United States,” he later added. “We believe from our heart, even those who do not support us, even those who are critical of us or have strongly different views, have our respect because they are Americans and we respect their right to their views. And it would be the highest honor of our life to serve them.”

LOL. This guy is such a fake.


I was gonna say… Let me re-read Articel 2 Section 1 of the Constitution… let’s see… at least 35 years old, natural born citizen, 14 years as a resident in the states…

Nope, don’t see anything about calling you out on your bullshit being disqualifying for the Presidency…


You know what disqualifies Pence? His extreme anti-gay religiosity.

Fuck him with a rusty chain saw.



I think that being a homophobic, bigoted evangelical disqualifies Pence from the coming liberal renaissance in America. Crawl back under your rock, Mike.


I thought they were bragging about being deplorables, had t-shirts printed up and everything. But now Clinton calling them what they want to be called is disqualifying? Make up your damn mind!


Good point.


Mr. Subliminal MikePenceisaracisthomophobe approves!


I’ve never heard a major party candidate in the United States speak about the American people with such contempt," he said in a press conference. So did hence Pence sleep through the Romney 47% comment? "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what…who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims. …These are people who pay no income tax. …and so my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." So this is not contempt?


There is an underlying radical notion here. Clinton, in labeling this group of people as a “Basket of Deplorables”, threatens the transfer of people in this group to the bottom of our social order. And no one wants to be an “epsilon”.

But if any group of people deserve social demotion, it is the racists.

Well, Mike, your stupidity and weakness, and your partner’s demagoguery disqualify the two of you.


not really.

Same as before, I wish that she didn’t retract anything from the initial statement. That statement as a whole is the equivalent of a horror movie, where the supposedly normal people are just now realizing the monsters that they are fighting are themselves.

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shakes fist at screen

“damn you squirrel for taking the words from my mouth”


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It’s just a quote from some fan mail. From a flounder.


here’s the problem: the people that she is trying to reach are the same folks who wrap themselves in the idea of either the conspiracy theory or that Donald Trump is a nice young man. I hate consignment as much as the next person, but seriously…

at this point…

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