Discussion: Pelosi: We Must Treat Unaccomanied Minors With 'Respect' During 'Crisis'

Ah, I can tell a illegal lover at 20 yds. Hey, MisterIllegalSuckup, how many are you housing in your basement? How many have you given lunch to? Dinner? None, you say. Somehow I knew. You weak-minded clueless suckups love you some illegals. You just want other people to do the work, because you won’t do anything yourself.

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Graphic confirmation of what I posted.

Get help. Seriously.


I know, these people really are sickening but the good news is that they are also really stupid. All of them are talking up how this is a ‘crisis’ which is just empowering the Executive Branch to act without Congress before the mid-term. And Congress can’t do anything about it either before or after the mid-term.

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While respect and humanity are good reasons to treat these kids well, a more prosaic motive that even the teahadists can grasp if it is explained to them with simple words of one syllable, is that if most of these kids are sent back, they will end up being conscripted either by the drug cartels or by the Mara Salvatrucha. In either case, it won’t do us any good. These kids have proven just by getting to the US border across Mexico by themselves that they are very capable individuals. We really don’t want people as competent as they are working for the “bad guys.”

You of course have actually seen them and know that they are gang members and not kids fleeing the gangs and cartels. Deporting you would do more to benefit the US than deporting these kids. Why not go back to wherever you came from? And don’t claim to be an American. Americans don’t have your attitude and hate.

I would like to see immigration reform in this country AND an effort to seal the border completely. If we did that, the governments of Central America would have to begin providing all appropriate and necessary services for their people. If they did not, they would face revolution. The United states has provided a home for refugees from these countries for too long. We must care for these poor children and then send them home with a serious warning for their governments…

You have seen these kids personally?
what I’d like to know and what is not typically covered in this story is why the kids are crossing the border. What is the impetus? Remove that and they won’t be crossing.

“What we just saw was so stunning. If you believe as we do that every child, that every person, has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect, what we saw in those rooms was [a] dazzling, sparkling array of God’s children, worthy of respect,”

Coming from a person who supports wholeheartedly late term abortions, this sounds as outrageous as it can be. Then again she is Mrs. Nancy Pelosi, one of the most idiotic representatives in Congress.

You have absolutely nailed the issue. This is nothing but yet another President Obama policy failure.