This is a recent story about Pelosi’s approach to healthcare. You’ll see no defense of the “healthcare system” but a goal of improving the existing ACA. No. Obamacare.
On Tuesday, Democratic leaders, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi, will put aside, at least for now, the liberal quest for a government-run “Medicare for all” single-payer system and unveil a more incremental approach toward fulfilling those campaign promises. Building on the Affordable Care Act, they would offer more generous subsidies for the purchase of private health insurance offered through the health law’s insurance exchanges while financing new efforts to increase enrollment.
They would also reverse actions by the Trump administration that allow insurance companies to circumvent protections in the Affordable Care Act for people with pre-existing conditions. Insurers could no longer sell short-term health plans with skimpy benefits or higher premiums for people with chronic illnesses.
Very unpopular sentiment here, but I totally agree. This is some weak-ass sh!t right here.
We’re fighting an enemy that will lie, obfuscate, cheat, steal, conspire shamelessly to maintain a strangle-hold on unilateral power and to protect a tyrant-wannabe and here we are taking the high road.
I can’t effing stand that! It drives me nuts how we routinely walk into fights with one hand tied behind our back, with a twig, while they come with a howitzer.
This is where Mayor Pete makes so much sense. He says that we fight every fight on the GOP’s terms. Being weak and feckless isn’t how we turn the tide.
Pelosi was especially strong in this presser. The lines she had about the Trump team getting a dangle of dirt and not reporting it to the FBI was politically weaponized for the first time.
You’re right, that’s not a defense of the way things currently are. It’s a defense of the private insurance companies that are the reason we don’t have nice things in healthcare.
Sure would be nice if supposed liberals would take the side of people over private profits and Wall Street for once.
Nonsense. Subpoena power means nothing unless it is used.
Her “long range strategy” seems to be acquiescing to Republicans so she can have her great big “unity” pipe dream. It ain’t going to happen.
She says impeachment would be “divisive,” as if the country is not already divided. She said “he’s not worth it,” ignoring that he is perhaps the most lawless president ever.
How about 9 Republicans calling on Schiff to resign? How’s that “unity” coming along, Nancy?
Furthermore, she is doing everything she can to stop primary challengers to incumbents so she can preserve her own gravy train of bribes and her power base, never mind giving Democratic voters a choice at the polls.
Nancy Pelosi is way past her time, but I suppose she’s the best Democratic Speaker that money can buy.
She is right. Unless you can get a conviction, Impeachment will HELP Trump. How do you not understand this? As things are now, he will be found Not Guilty and remain in office, and can claim he was unfairly impeached.
Trust me, if Trump loses enough support where you can get a Senate conviction, Pelosi will immediately impeach. PLUS, if that process if going on closer to the election, it’s all that more worse for Republicans.
Pelosi knows EXACTLY what she is doing. She is using her brain, not just acting om impulse. Trump does things on impulse, Pelosi is a thinker.
It is time to SHOW the unedited report & evidence before one can TELL someone is exonerated to not.
Food for Thought:
1- Absent Mueller’s Report, INDIVIDUAL1 is already an UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIPRATOR w/Cohen and who has also been self dealing in his charity, engaged in paying hush money while a candidate and in the WH, inflated assets to obtain loan, lied on tax returns for decades, profited from office…!
3- In 1992, Barr was referred as “Coverup-General Barr”
Meanwhile, INDIVIDUAL1 could be having premature exoneration and is emboldened to go on a vengeful rampage staring by wrecking ACA again and again and again…and tweeting Republican Party is the party of healthcare!
It is time for Trump’s Party/Republican Party to SHOW a superior healthcare plan for all before one can TELL they are the party of healthcare, otherwise, Trump’s Party/Republican Party is just the HEALTHCARE WRECKING PARTY!
There is one undeniable reason for beginning impeachment proceedings – once those proceedings are initiated, court precedent has already established that “executive privilege” is mooted when it comes to a subpoena for the Mueller report (and everything else for that matter).
Would I be mistaken to infer that Pelosi, is masterfully, but oh so politely, trolling Assolini and the GOP as being pussies? (not using the term knowing they’ll think it, “cat whistle”, as it were).
Why else would she say “scaredy-cats” instead of cowards?
Yeah, frivolous impeachment doesn’t work. And we’re already seeing that Barr’s letter is backfiring because all he’s done is cast suspicion and Trump’s premature ACA attack has just pissed people off more.
Pelosi’s “long term strategy” subsists of keeping the speakership in her hands for as long as possible…which means tip-toeing around anything that might upset a Congresscritter from a district that Trump won in 2016. Her #1 priority is protecting incumbents, not protecting Democracy.
O very much so. Not just the ACA attack either. The Special Olympics funding cut looks so petty and mean and cruel and people are outraged over that one.