Discussion for article #223292
Summons them back from the breach, Nancy.
Maybe the head of the House Oversight Committee needs to be subpoenaed to testify in front of a special select committee regarding why he wasn’t doing his fucking job.
The heads must roll syndrome in DC is a pathetic instrument for surgery. Good call Nancy.
The “systemic problem” at the VA is in reality intentional budgetary anemia as secondary to pathological austerity.
(1). Replace the leader
(2). Dust off hands
(3). Mission accomplished!
And that’s why the problems don’t really get solved.
It would be nice if the rest of the fucking Dems had big beautiful balls like hers. Fucking spineless chickenshits
Pelosi is right! Shinseki alone isn’t the problem here.
It seems more an Obama administration problem, too many failures on too many levels. This isn’t a brand new problem, this isn’t a funding issue. What has this administration done in the past 6 years to address this lingering issue?
Covered every crisis from the previous 8 years of W. If you stay awake we might get around to you before our 8 years are over. Wars, economy, birthers, haters, peanut gallery…
Fought to get sufficient funding and support from the Repubs.
Once again Pelosi seems to be the only Dem to sound off like she’s got a pair.
In fact, I’ve yet to hear any evidence whatsoever that Shinseki IS art of the problem here. The accusations are that all of this was kept carefully secret and hidden from everyone…and guess where the Secretary falls on the list of people from whom to keep something like this secret. If something evinces mismanagement or negligent oversight, then fine, he should get the boot, but we’re not there yet as far as I can tell. Instead, this is a big fat giant steaming dollop of Scapegoating 101.
The REAL culprits? Every fucking congresscritter who voted for two unfunded wars, failed to pay it forward tot he VA for the predictable increased needs of our troops and has failed to address these types of well known LONG-STANDING systemic problems while they were Congress, ignoring them until they need to scalp someone to distract from their own failures. It’s a fucking joke and everyone calling for his resignation should be subjected to precisely thse types of questions in the MSM:
Did you vote for the two unfunded wars?
Didn’t you think they might result in increased medical treatment and service needs for the veterans they would create?
Did you propose or vote for any legislation to and make improvements to the VA system so it could handle that increased need?
Weren’t you aware of these long-standing systemic problems in the VA your entire time in Cogress?
Weren’t you in Congress during the Walter Reed debacle?
Did you propose or vote for any increased funding or improvements at THAT time? At ANY time?
Why shouldn’t you resign too?
From Josh Marshall’s opinion piece elsewhere:
“We never had enough troops to begin with,” Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said just before the president’s televised address. “A month or two ago we found out the Army is broken, and they agreed that General Shinseki was right.””
Lindsey, a month or two ago you found the Army was broken?? Where the hell have you been little man? Head in the sand much? Troops have deployed 4, 5 sometimes 8 times to Iraq and/or Afghanistan. Rummy thought we’d be welcomed in Iraq with flowers and we’d only need 75,000 troops to pacify the place instead of the 300,000 Shinseki asked for. A month or two ago you found the Army was broken? How stupid can you be Sen. Graham? How long do you think it takes to serve 8 tours of duty ya idiot? We’ve been at war for 13 years. WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?? Good god man.
To Lindsey Graham and the rest of Congress: Shinseki fell on his sword for your folly once. Is that not enough? Now you want to sacrifice him again to cover your ass (collectively). I think this time YOU should pay the price of your own incompetence and not ask Shinseki to do it for you. Your stupidity should be laid bare for all to see
The VA has been a cesspool long before Obama was even born. To place blame on him is part 'n parcel of the GOP meme to blame him for every goddam thing that goes wrong on Planet Earth in order to score a cheap political point. This time you. Libs, are attempting to do so at the expense of veterans and I take exception to that. Health care for out troops should not be a political football, OK? Can we agree on that one small point? The blame lies with CONGRESS, not Shinseki or Obama. Let’s us agree to do right by our veterans.
In other words: inadequate funding from Congress… bingo!
I read Josh’s piece. It is total crap
I was referring to what Sen. Graham (that weasel) said about the Army being broken. I wasn’t saying anything about what Josh wrote. I hadn’t gotten that far yet.
Shinseki was given false reports by middle-managment. So fire him!
(rolls eyes)
You are misreading Josh’s piece. That quote came from a decade ago after the invasion turned out not to be flowers and candy. It’s not something Graham said recently.
To actually solve the problem will require bigger facilities, more doctors and a bunch more money than what’s budgeted, since the budget was evidently based on false information.
General Shinseki is probably the best person to make the case, given his history of testifying before the Senate what the GOP leadership would rather not hear.