Pelosi neatly ties the Stone indictment to Trump corruption, election integrity (i.e., violating election laws to win) and also the quid pro quo with Putin and one of the ultimate goals, destroying NATO.
It’s “bothersome” that the President of the United States is a paid foreign agent of a Russian despot? I think it’s a bit more than merely “bothersome.”
Subtle, Madam Speaker, deliciously subtle…
Totally lost on the Trump Crime Family, though…
And after all the bullcrap we learned about the circular firing squad in the republican luncheon yesterday, Kelly O’Donnell said the negotiations to end the shutdown can only be be done by Speaker Pelosi and Trump.
The republicans are obviously hiding under their desks and eschewing any and all responsibility. McConnell and company could end this today. Eff them all.
That’s some grade A trolling there from Pelosi.
Well, she is merely twisting the knife once more after having inserted it quite some time ago.
Atta girl!
Better than grade A if it’s possible.
Fun fact : A common trait among innocent and ethical people is surrounding themselves with criminals
We need a lot more of this from the Dems. Every statement from every Dem should include that Trump is doing Putin’s bidding, that Trump is holding the country hostage, which only benefits Putin, and that he is an illegitimate President.
Illegitimate President, illegitimate President, illegitimate President. Stolen election, stolen election, stolen election. Over and over and over.
I think “look, he’s surrounded by criminals and losers and garbage” is a comment which is quite well calculated to get President Grandpa to act out sometime this afternoon. It describes him as foolish, weak, and helpless, and he can’t take that. Especially from a girl.
I would give tens of dollars to see exactly how the White House staff has him preoccupied/drugged/isolated right now. Given what we know about Trump’s complete lack of respect for his staff, impulse control, or general good sense, they’ve honestly done a fairly good job over the last two years of keeping him from even more severely harming his position.
She’s kicking their asses and they don’t even know it.
I suspect Madam Speaker is trying to avoid hyperbole here.
The contrast to Unindicted Co-Conspirator, to Rutabaga and various court jesters like Graham, KAC, SHS and others is intentional.
Sooner or later people will tire of the shrieking and her calm, quiet and measured words will come through.
Excellent job, lady!
She said so much at once. Many, many crossed t’s and dotted 1’s.
Now Sekulow has come out downplaying the charges. He needs to be thrown out of the White House ASAP.
Here’s more:
Out : Cohen arrest has nothing to do with Trump
In : Stone arrest has nothing to do with Trump
Trump is like ten thousand megawatt electromagnet when it comes to attracting the best people.
President Pelosi will have the tough decision on whether to pardon Trump and Pence and just end the whole thing, or to let them sweat it out in Club Fed for a while.
Pretty soon it will be DJTJ, Eric, Ivanka, JarJar arrests have nothing to do with Trump.
Yeah that’s the ticket keep the pressure in all fronts.