In lieu of an invitation to present a State of the Union address, Pelosi should invite Fat Nixon to sit in a room on Capital Hill for a meal of cold McNuggets and fries and warm soda. You know, because of the shutdown and all.
He also said, when he got applause, that he knew the reason they were clapping. It was because he gave the Pentagon the most money anyone’s ever given it.
What a stupid clown he is.
I would never say never to bringing a bill of impeachment forward though the timing must be such that as many voters as possible are in favor of it. I’m not sure we’re there yet. But he’ll be replaced with Mommie’s Dearest the stupidest Veep ever who yesterday after ISIS killed American soldiers declared this country was defeating them. It doesn’t get more stupid and kiss ass than this
Hamberbers of DOOM.
Pelosi should schedule something really interesting for the house to do that evening… maybe reschedule Cohen’s testimony to have it take place from 8PM to 10PM on January 29th?
She’s goading him to respond with that line. I love it.
It’s wonderful to watch all the Republicans who had no problem at all with how Merrick Garland was treated, now going apeshit because Trump’s SOTU might have to be postponed.
Dale deserves a medal for being a warrior on the side of truth.
According to the W.Post, he calls her Nasty Nancy when among friends.
I got him on a technicality about Europe and the Kremlin (snark)…And you are right about Dale. Someone needs to lay out a record.
There is a LOT of the historian in Dale. We are in the midst of a coup orchestrated against the United States of America with Drumpf as the head, Russia as the foreign agent and the Republican Party as his colllaborators.
This type of attack has never happened before.
Let the annals be recorded.
Darn right.
Just remember that his opponent is one that … as far as speaking skills go …
Can’t successfully navigate crossing a room that has lint … without tripping over it —
“We haven’t heard — he’s very silent, more than 24 hours … We haven’t heard yet,” she said.
Raving lunatic tweeting from Oval Office in 3…2…1
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
Admiral Nancy Pelosi signalling that she’s planned for that while offering no clues as to what her plan might be.
Raving lunatic tweeting from Oval Office toilet in 3…2…1
It is all true, the government agencies are in disarray and security personnel are not at the top of their game. Not that Trump cares.
A better formulation: the Speaker of the House is not going to conduct a State of the Union address while the employees who will be protecting us are not being paid. When that condition is changed, we will carry on with business as usual.
Quiet strength is the currency of women’s power.
A very reasoned, sensible argument that we need to pay security people. If they’re not getting paid now, who knows it could be overtime that they won’t get either.
Doesn’t sound one bit political.