Discussion: Pelosi Clears First Hurdle For Speakership

I never mentioned her wealth that in that post. I was talking about the letter from her much wealthier friends threatening to cut off the money to the DCCC if their “Nancy” isn’t made the speaker.

The bribery and threats really don’t get more obvious than that.

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The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the arm of the party focused on House races, ended the campaign cycle with $18 million in debt

You have referred to Pelosi’s wealth repeatedly and the inference is that she became rich in an underhanded way.


Yes, I have referred to her enormous household wealth. Most of it came from her husband, owner and operator “of a San Francisco-based real estate and venture capital investment and consulting firm.”

I can’t help what you infer from that.

JFC, georgeh, get a new shtick and stop spamming the forum with your ridiculous, not to mention entirely unsupported, assertions. We heard you the first 562 times.


If you don’t care to acquire wealth that’s your problem.

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There’s no denying what you said. I hope you’ll say it again.


Never mess with an Italian grandmother. They have long memories.


Okay, naysayers. You now have a choice. You can have an effective, proven, experienced leader, or you can have something else. Pick.

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On a guess there are at least 20 so-called RTL Democrats who this would weaponize.



Financial success is not a sign of anything other than high functioning investment of time in financial success.

My guess is you are not financially successful. Everyone with more stuff than you is evil, right? And if your team is losing, the other team is cheating…

Perhaps you are just a loser.

On what Planet do people – rich or otherwise-- send money to groups they don’t agree with?

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A reverse Hastert rule as it will. They are as bad as the freedumb caucus, if not worse. Good to see they show so much leadership that not a one will stand up to run against Pelosi. That they’d go down in flames sure stiffens their weak spines. Why do so many of these clowns have a con that sticks it to progress? On both sides. Could it be $$$$ before country? Is that too mean to suggest?

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I agree, but it isn’t just about not voting for McCarthy, it’s also the prospect of their not voting at all. What kind of message does that send? What does that communicate to our get-out-the-vote efforts? What do I say to all of my apathetic, privileged, millennial co-workers who I berated and hounded to get to the polls, when their elected officials decide not to vote in this crucial contest?

No Democratic Member of the House who sits on their hands should get a pass from any one of their constituents!

You mean you are still reading that troll’s posts? I only read responses to gh. The bot is a loser.

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The way I read this is that this is 40 limit is for amendments only. I don’t really see any harm in this… after the first few amendments that only have the support of 40 get shot down big time I bet there wont be too many congress critters willing to state their reelection campaigns on such thin ice.

Quite the opposite, but I understand how money has corrupted politics to the core, and that to understand how power works in Washington D.C., you simply have to follow the money. We live in an oligarchy, not a democracy. The threatening letter is a prime example of who controls the government, and it is not the voters. Did you even bother to read it?

Oh, your comment “Perhaps you are just a loser.” Is that your attitude towards poor people in general?

That is not the point. The point is that the very few wealthiest people in America are the ones who control the government. It is their interests that get served first, not the general population. Follow the money.

We need public campaign financing, but that will never happen because it is not in the interests of the wealthy white men who control the country and the incumbent politicians who are owned by them.

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I’d like to say that comment was astonishing, but really it didn’t get much beyond sickening.

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Yup, which is why we know that you’re full of shit with your unsupported accusations.

My comment had nothing to do with money. It had to do with your left wing populist notion that anyone who is successful is evil. The pure people vs the evil elite narrative. Which, ironically, is identical to the right wing populist narrative that Trump came riding in on.

In my mind, populists — left wing or right wing — are losers. Stalin vs Hitler. Communist dictatorship or totalitarian dictatorship. Pol Pot was a populist. He hated the evil, western, monied elite as well.

This is just my mishegas. I really, really don’t like populist anything.