She has a chief of staff? With only that job? And one who makes sense?
The President traveled to Iraq during the Trump Shutdown as did a Republican CODEL led by Rep. Zeldin.
The White House responds…
Hey, TPM – You should read your articles. Pelosi was never scheduled to go to Egypt. It says it right there in the Tweet you published.
Next level: no travel to golf courses until shutdown is over.
I think Pelosi’s staffer sounded petty and childlike, too. I think he should have said s9meth8ng like this, “Of course, Speaker Pelosi will not do any foreign travel during the shutdown, and unlike Mr. Trump, she hasn’t done so. As to any Sepaker of the House traveling on the country’s business, no president has the constitutional authority to review, let alone prevent, any such trip. This is just another unconstitutional threat by Mr. Trump, which the nation’s military is required to reject.”
Again, as I said in the original thread, this is a real F-up by Trump. He is now surrounded by C and D listers, and this is what you get. They act like they are in Junior High School trying to rig a Student Counsel election. You can bet Kelly would have told him that this was a bad idea, but that smarmy shit Mulveany is too juvenile to know how badly this would fly for Trump.
I thought Mr. Hammill’s thread was, if anything, quite dispassionate and rational.
Rest of Thread following.
But, there it is.
Off to Grift-a-Lotto on the taxpayer’s dime. It’s nice being royalty.
Eh, you know her attitude, “Let them eat cake.”
Can anyone tell me what CODEL stands for? I’m too lazy, tired, fed-up and pissed off to look it up.
I think it’s short for Congressional Delegation.
Thanks. Sounds like a winner. Sounds a little like something from ancient Mesopotamia or maybe secret spy stuff.
Or the famous deceased sports announcer, Howard Codel. Or the famous mathematician, Kurt Cödel.
The GOP priorities:
he he …….caught napping … again —
Even after losing the majority, House Republicans are still showing the lack of
attention to detail that led to their failure when they were in charge.
Congressional Delegation
Mel wore yellow, orange moron wore grey.
A swing and a miss.