Discussion: Peacfeul Protests Form After Police Fatally Shoot Unarmed Black Man In San Diego Area

What are some of the most intelligent things we consider doing when there are police drawing their weapons and telling you to comply with their demands??? Erratically pulling ANYTHING from your pocket in this day and age is HIGHLY frowned upon by law enforcement…

LeVoy Finnicum would vouch for not making furtive moves into a jacket’s pocket.

But then LeVoy very much wanted his results. Unarmed citizens? not so much.

I’ll add that Finnicum was an acknowledged outlaw. It’s not clear that this latest unfortunate black man was anything other than a guy at a mall.

Apples and oranges slim…and off topic i might add.

My name is not slim. This Calling folks anything other than their screen name is the kind of crap that gets you suspended.

You’ll never learn will you?

Obvious “suicide by cop”. The protests should be for more funding for the mentally ill.

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Not really, both suicide by cop type situations. Finnicum was a loser who wanted to be a martyr, he was asking for trouble. The guy here just appears real disturbed, going into shooting stance like that.

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