Discussion: Payback Time: Trump Mulling Backing An Amash Challenger Out Of Retribution

Despite the rumor that he might run for president, I wonder whether Amash will challenge Sen. Peters in 2020.

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Yessir…retribution is what this asshole does best… he just can’t help himself.


Perhaps Jared will be moving to Battle Creek :slight_smile:


“President Donald Trump has discussed with Vice President Mike Pence, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel the possibility of backing a primary challenge to Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) as a warning to any other Republicans who consider turning on him.”

The Minus Touch


Yes, I say go for it. Push a primary for him.

According to Wiki, MI-3 is rated at R+6 and Rump won it 52-42. Except, W won it 59-40.

Let’s see what happens.


John James, who unsuccessfully ran against Debbie Stabenow for her Senate seat, has announced that he will try for Peters’.


Vindictive ?
No Not Trump
Wadda think he is some kind of mob boss?


In the fair to middling movie Man on Fire, Christopher Walken, who has played some brilliant great movie roles and lots of crappy ones, has a cringe worthy cliche unbelievable script line where he informs Giancarlo Giannini’s Mexican Police Detective character that Denzel’s character’s great art is death, and he is about to paint his masterpiece. Further, for those of you with HBO who are cross culturally curious enough to watch HBO Latino, there was a Series years back called Mandrake. That Series came from Brazilian novelist Rubem Fonseca’s novel O Gran Arte which is a reference to the lawyer protagonist’s decision to make Revenge his great talent or art (the Series ignores this plot point and focuses on the lawyer’s somewhat interesting and promiscuous sex life).

When Donald Trump’s definitive biography is written and the appropriate Netflix Emmy Nominated series made, it will portray that his great art is/has always been, petty vindictiveness, preferably against people who cannot strike back, because people who can strike back put his underwear in a bunch forever. His second greatest talent and art is that of being one of the greatest Bullshit Peddlers since human beings developed written languages and began recording history.


Oh right, I saw it the other day but forgot. Then I wish Amash could run to peel off James’ votes. He seems very rethuglican.

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If John James couldn’t beat Stabenow, it would be an even bigger stretch to beat Peters, especially since Trump is even more unpopular here and it’s a presidential election year.


I hope Trump goes through with it.

Pelosi could use another seat to add to her house majority.


“Drain the Swamp” really just means getting rid of anyone who challenges, publicly disagrees with, or even questions Trump.

Corruption is still welcome - as long as it’s Trump’s kind of corruption and he gets his (sizable) cut.


Dictators (and their surrogates) always win (staged) elections. That’s the overall goal Trump is shooting for.

Names don’t matter. Process does.


Next impeachable Erdogan act.

This surprises no one–I’m sure that even Amash has considered the possibility. Trump might want to consider whether or not he actually wants a primary campaign in which the incumbent points out that he is being challenged for telling the truth about the current POTUS. It could get…messy, but I’m sure there would be no national coverage. The only people who might even hear about it would be in that district.

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Please proceed Trumpy

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Things are shifting in Michigan. If Spankee backs someone else, there may be repercussions. (Not that I expect it from that corner of the woods where Amash’s district is, but one never knows…)


Let Trump do it.

The seat will be won by a D and he’ll have lost one more seat in the House. And that’s along with the other seats he’s destined to lose.

Keep pulling that Russian Roulette revolver…


That is, #ETTD (h/t/ Rick Wilson)