Discussion: Paul To McConnell: Here's What I Need To Get To Yes On O'Care Repeal

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Think Progress headline from two years ago:

“Rand Paul’s Favorite Philosophers Think Poor People Are ‘Parasites’”


Paul votes yes. He has now provided himself cover that he was against it, and had his own plan. Now when the time to vote actually comes, Paul can hold his nose and do what he was going to do all along.


Are you suggesting we postpone the victory celebration?


Big deal. McConnell is between the proverbial rock and the hard place. If he placates Rand and the conservatives, he pushes the moderates away. And vice versa. Paul just wants to be on TV.


Nothing but a GOP civil war brewing, folks.

The further Paul tries to make things more draconian to please the Conservitards, the more resistance the so-called “moderate” GOP Senator’s will have.

It’s a thing of beauty, really…


You can tell they’re all two steps away from losing it and having fist fights on the Senate floor while Schumer laughs his ass off


Paul has some great ideas!

But we should run some tests on them first. First test, form a small group of insured, say about 100 and dependents,and let shop around for insurance, or self insure, free of pesky regulation. We will call this test group the “Senate”

After a 6 years, see how the test group fared.


Shorter Rand: Ayneed it to kill more people.


He also requests a further loosening of federal insurance regulations, with a particular focus on the opportunity for consumers to form their own small group plans.

Ok. How exactly is this supposed to work?

It didn’t work so well for Dr. Paul when he wanted to set up his own competing board-certifying organization for Ophthalmologists. This looks like another fail in the making.


Rand Paul knows none of that shit is happening. This IS political theater. David Frum called it out last night. The largest share of Paul’s vote totals come from counties that heavily rely on the expansion. He can’t, under any circumstances, let this bill become law, or at least he can’t vote for it if it does. So, what does he do? He puts up a bunch of stupid roadblocks that he knows would kill the bill were they included, yet are too draconian to be considered. It’s like a woman saying to a fast food worker, “I’ll agree to marry you if you grow 4”, grow all your hair back, net $100,000 next year, and buy me a $60,000 engagement ring." He has no ability to do any of those things and neither does Mitch have the ability to make Rands feaverish dreams come true.


WaPo’s reporting a revised Senate bill will be sent to the CBO for analysis soon.

Here we go again.


The provisions he is asking for would be either impossible to implement or so unpopular that the bill would never pass. He’s basically saying “give me the impossible and I’ll vote for it.” Well played Senator Paul. I’m guessing that your base won’t see through this, so you’ve accomplished you goal.


Rand, I dare you. In fact I double fucking dare you. If you’re a man of integrity, a man of honor, you’ll insist on the terms of this very modest letter. You see I’m on the other side, don’t want this POS passed in this or any other imaginable form, so I dare you to stand firm, show us what you’re made of. Are you a man or a mouse (apologies to small rodents everywhere)?


Which makes me wonder if the folks in those counties know he’s bluffing or not.


”I would like to provide you with some policy priorities that I feel would improve the health care system…”

  1. All children who currently receive Medicaid benefits should be sold for medical experiments.

  2. Federal funds for Planned Parenthood should be reallocated to states in the form of “Compulsory Birthing” grants.

  3. Where possible, healthy organs should be harvested from the elderly and disabled as a requirement for receiving Medicaid assistance.

  4. The existence of melanin or absence of a Y-chromosome should qualify as “a pre-existing condition”.

  5. Premium subsidies should be re-prioritized to “Tertiary Yacht and/or Private Aircraft” subsidies.

  6. All sick people should die. Quickly. Unless they’re rich, white men.


Their preachers tell them not to watch or read the news, that God sent Trump, and Rand is a man of Gawd. I bet most folks don’t know what he has proposed (the content, or the bluff of not voting for it.)


How many free rounds of golf will it take, Rand? Every man has his price.


I’d be shocked if folks in those counties know much more about Paul beyond, “He hates Obama and the liberals as much as I do”.


Rand Paul is a parasite on humanity.