Discussion: Paul Says Benghazi Has 'Precluded' Hillary From Being President

Discussion for article #222603

And being a libertarian has precluded you from the presidency, Sen. Paul.


Thanks for taking our votes away, Paul.

A libertarian who tells me who I can’t vote for.


he s on that kentucky hillbilly heroin and doesn’t know what he is saying


And thus begins the Rand Paul for President 2016 campaign!


Rand is trying to show off as the smartest guy in the room by telling us exactly why there will be Benghazi hearings – to “disqualify” Hillary from running. Sheesh, Rand - you’re giving away the game before it starts!


RCP average has Clinton up 9 points over Paul in a head-to-head. So who exactly is precluded from being President? Oh, and the other Repubs do no better.


I think being a serial plagiarist knocks you out from being president too.


“Rand Paul: Benghazi Has ‘Precluded’ Hillary From Being President.”

You know what really precludes somebody from being President, Sen. Paul?

“He and Randy came to my house, they knocked on my door, and then they blindfolded me, tied me up, and put me in their car. They took me to their apartment and tried to force me to take bong hits. They’d been smoking pot…They told me their god was ‘Aqua Buddha’ and that I needed to bow down and worship him…They blindfolded me and made me bow down to ‘Aqua Buddha’ in the creek.”


Hmmm, I wonder if this means that members of a party that voted to cut funding for State Dept. security are also precluded?


I am truly looking forward to the national spot light turning fully on Rand Paul in the near future; because there is a lot of grist for the mill.

Go back as far as you like: whether it is Paul’s hasty degree-less exit from college and his privileged leap to the front of the line for medical school, or the shady way ‘Dr.’ Paul evaded the professional certification of his peers- Rand has a well-established pattern of behavior that most normal people find unsavory and self-serving. When you include in the list Rand’s reoccurring comfort with plagiarism as well as some other things, collectively they become glaring symptoms of the bigger problem- Paul’s free-wheeling, broken ethical compass.

There is a reason Militia rallies and Tier 4 Law Schools are friendly territory for Rand Paul; it’s the same reason he mostly hides his true political colors from the nation. Fortunately this and much more will be coming out as soon as he declares for the White House.


You Sir, Win.

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Ask Jason Chaffetz about why the security was insufficient and one more thing, the new comments engine SUCKS!!


Am I the only one who listens to these bozos and thinks to himself, “JFK, RFK, MLK… and these guys still walk around? There is no justice!”


Racism and plagiarism have precluded Rand Paul from being President.


oh wait…havn’t you heard Republicans are now looking at Mike Pence… What are they going to do if while spending all their time on trashing Hillary she decides not to run but Elizabeth Warren does. Either way…Mr. P. it is time for a woman…and I believe it will happen in 2016…

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I believe that Rand Paul has achieved the dubious honor of being more clueless on foreign policy than Sarah Palin (I say this because at least Palin can see Putin from her house).

In the sense that a Bizarro “yes” means an Earthling “no”, Rand Paul has now validated Hillary Clinton’s presidential qualifications.

Dear Rand - your stupidity has precluded YOU from ever being president. As to Hillary, that’s a judgement for the voters, not for you.

Go away now.


“And we’re talking about, should we as a country have a commander-in-chief who didn’t provide adequate security in LIbya,…”

Should we as a country have representatives and senators who explicitly deny finding to have adequate security in Libya, thereby forcing the commander-in-chief’s hand?