Discussion: Paul Ryan: Trump 'Must Appreciate That Russia Is Not Our Ally'

And yet you, Paul Ryan, Speaker of the US House, with the power to do something about it, will do fuck all as usual. :rage:

Just shut up.


The reader comments following the article, sadly, suggest otherwise. :frowning:

Iā€™ve been vehemently objecting to the notion that Ryan lacks a spine. Itā€™s because the implication is he knows the right thing and he wants to do the right thing and yet is not doing so because of political pressures etc.

But you know what? What about Paul Ryan is just simply a terrible, treasonous person who manages to maintain the pretense now and then? When was the last time we saw him doing the right thing? Yeah I donā€™t remember either.


Looks like Liz Cheney has a bigger pair.

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For some reason, I havenā€™t heard anything about impeaching Rosenstein today. Wonder what the reason isā€¦ hmmmm.


Paul Ryan is an impotent wiener.

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The sooner heā€™s consigned to Lake Flaccid the betterā€¦

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Paulie is a bit late to the partyā€”and no one wants to sign his dance card.

Heā€™s a bigger failure as Speaker than Hastert and Boehner combined.


Sorry Little Paulie, that train left the station 2 years ago. And you are on it, in the caboose.

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Walk back in 4ā€¦3ā€¦2ā€¦

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And YOU sir, must appreciate that TRUMP is not our ally. #RepublicanBitches

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Iā€™m sure the woodchucks who ate his car were good people also.

No, Russia is not "our"ally. Itā€™s Trumpā€™s ally, and to a very slightly lesser degree the whole GOPā€™s. But not ours.

So Mr. Ryan, why donā€™t you rein in Issa, Nunes and their ilk instead of letting them run roughshod over the rule of law? Weasel

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Still playing the ā€œheā€™s new at thisā€ card, Paul?

Trumpā€™s self esteem folder of handjob news clippings and chiron screenshots is gonna be mighty thin this evening.

Trump: STFU Paul, I will give you another 5% in tax cuts.
Ayn Rand Paul: That will do. Carry on with Putin.

Ya think, numbnutz???

Shorter Ryan: Time to look at Her Emails.

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Thereā€™s always a reason not to act. Right now itā€™s that SCOTUS nominee. I suspect he keeps telling himself next time. He has managed to become irrelevant, even to his own side.

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