Discussion: Paul Ryan Soundly Defeats Longshot GOP Opponent In Wisconsin Primary

Paul Ryan gave himself congratulations last night in a victory speech that criticized President Obama’ s policies and warned that Hillary Clinton’s would be “more of the same.”

He invoked the anger of voters at the Gridlock and dysfunction in Washington D.C. Like all Republicans, he refused to acknowledge the roles of the GOP Senate Leadership and the hilariously named House “Freedom Caucus” in the dysfunction.

He tried to avoid answering any Trump questions by insisting on letting "Local " reporters ask the first two questions. He evaded three questions concerning Donald Trump’s incitation of Second Amendment Fanatics to commit political assassination. He claimed “it has been a busy day” and he had not had time to read or listen to Trump’s comments. He tried to spin Trump’s comment as a “joke gone bad.”

When it became obvious that he would continue to be asked questions about Trump’s outrageous comments, Paul Ryan ran off the stage. His victory speech and press conference lasting under 20 minutes and at most 4 questions. Paul Ryan, bantamweight, and representative of the “responsible” wing of the modern GOP…


Trump: He won because of my endorsement. Now he knows that I am the real boss.

Trump thanked Nehlen on Twitter for his comments defending Trump.

Nehlen attracted support from [Sarah] Palin and conservative provocateur* Ann Coulter

Wow, Trump, Palin, and Coulter. No wonder he lost by 70 points.

*Presumably, “provocateur” is the newest term of choice for “asshole”.


Lyin’ Denyin’ Ryan.

…and then cowardly shitweasel’ Ryan went back to doing the job he does so well:



The Wisconsin GOP is plenty mean and crazy, but they’re generally the fall-in-line types, so I’m not surprised they gave this carpetbagging tea importer a pass. But I continue to be amazed that a district rife with union members and blue collar workers has given this hollow-eyed granny starver a lifetime seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Part of it, I know, is the state Dems’ deplorable recruitment of candidates. Part of it probably goes back to Bill Clinton demoralizing the shit out of local Dems with NAFTA and the whole neoliberal gift basket. But even in the rare instance he’s faced a credible candidate, people keep voting for Ryan.

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