Now that Gym Jordan is setting his sights on Ayn Ryan’s job, it looks like the GOP is ready to institute their new Hastert Rule… GOP Speakers either need to be kiddie-diddlers, sexual assault enablers, harassers or adulterers.
He is following in Hasterts hoofprints
Can I repeat? Paul Ryan is a horrible, horrible person.
WASHINGTON (AP) —Retiring House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday he does not support an effort by a group of 11 conservative lawmakers to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the official who oversees the special counsel’s Trump-Russia investigation.
“Impeachment is a punishment, it’s not a remedy,” Retiring House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Trey Gowdy said. “If you are looking for documents, then you want compliance, and you want whatever moves you toward compliance.”
just sayin
Still, some leaders could use the resolution as leverage.
Exactly. Illegitimate leverage to make illegitimate demands for illegitimate purposes.
In addition to Ryan, Republican leaders have not signed on to the effort and are unlikely to back it.
Still, some leaders could use the resolution as leverage.
“It’s very clear that DOJ has to provide the information because the House of Representatives has the responsibility and accountability to oversee,” said Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
There’s always one…
But he did say “cavalier”, implying this is some Dumb Quixote / DeSantis Putza tilting at spinwheels proposition.
Plus whatever TF it was, it had the full support of Rep. Gohmert, which can’t be promising.
Fat chance.
Or campaign-finance crooks. (TDeLay, come on down.)
who is retiring soon.
Ryan might have went through with this, if the end was the equivalent of a ‘grand slam’, but he knows that any Rosenstein vote in 2018, is the equivalent of a ‘third rail’; so nope, he’ll leave this matter for McCarthy and Scalise to solve.
Ryan isn’t running for re-election and therefore has no need to fund raise like the others on this ruse that’s going nowhere.
Must have left his spine out in the sun too long… it got semi-hard.
And, this is different, how, from other Republican legislative stunts?
So long as they don’t get all in a lather over it.
Yeah, so this is not a matter of him lacking courage or lacking a spine. I really need to kill that narrative. That man is evil (maybe looking a little more telegenic than Turtle has been helping him pretend to be sincere) and never meant to do right things because they are right things.
Precisely. Well put! That was pretty much what the recent Peter S hearings were all about IMHO.
“They feel like the timing on this is probably not the best,” Walker said.
Translation: This is not the time to bring the term “impeachment” before the American public.
I’m starting to wonder if the outgoing house cowards are going to pack up and leave the country by Feb. 2019.
I’m actually disappointed that Ryan isn’t backing this effort. After all, if the Dems win the House, it would be difficult for the GOP to complain about a Trump impeachment effort if the GOP proceeded with this Rosenstein nonsense.