Let’s make this clear- Paul Ryan is a goddam liar who is misusing his position to conceal crimes against the United States through intentional negligence and dereliction of oversight.
After Nixon, no Republican should use any variation of “Let me make one thing perfectly clear.”
That he made his way early in life at taxpayers’ expense, performed fellatio on conservative oligarchs and married a rich bitch.
The 'Murican ideal.
Fuck you Ryan. O and fuck you too. And fuck you again Paul. O yeah and fuck you.
You Paul R’yan are a fucking traitor.
So…it seems that what “Russia did” was to work closely with the GOP to provide information and services to the GOP’s nominee in exchange for favorable treatment after the election. Does that seem to be right?
And if you guys are providing oversight for that, you, you are treasonous as well.
Ryan added that “I haven’t a clue what the evidence Mueller has shows. I’m just trying to restore my street cred with Trump loving notjubs.”
I guess we should add two additional points. Evidence and collusion are two different things. You can collude your ass off and leave no evidence of it. And, Mr. Ryan has no idea what the evidence is. He only knows what’s been leaked and inferred from the Mueller investigation which has kept about 99.9 % of what it has under tight wraps.
Usually Ryan is pretty good about couching any potentially leadership-y sounding language in bullshit weasel-words like “I’m not aware of any” or “I haven’t seen any” or “Nobody has presented to me any”. Much more equivocal language. Safe language. Language nobody would ever accuse of being firm or forthright.
It’s a strange ship for a rat to be climbing and lashing itself onto. I wonder what changed.
“Let’s just make that clear — there is no collusion.
Why not go the full Nixonian and make it Perfectly Clear then Paulie?
Show’s over. Move Along. Nothing to see here.
Flynn: Guilty Plea
Papadopoulos: Guilty Plea
Pinedo: Guilty Plea
Gates: Guilty Plea
Van Der Zwaan: Guilty Plea
Manafort: Multiple indictments
Clear: There was a crime, theft of DNC emails.
Clear: It was committed by Russia and Russians, per IC assessment.
Clear: Certain Trump campaign workers had prior knowledge (before it became public) of the result of the crime.
Likely: American citizens conspired in the crime.
Very Unlikely and Definitely Not Clear: There is no collusion.
Thanks for the reminder, with the size and speed of the tRUMP/ Russia Investigation news cycle, one could easily forget this actually happened.
When Trump et al. are prosecuted for their Russian contacts during the 2016 presidential campaign let’s be very clear on one point- they will not be charged with ‘Collusion’, which is a word but not a crime.
What they will likely be charged with is Conspiracy.
I’m hoping for the reintroduction of “read my lips”.
“Read my lips: I have very big, firm, powerful lips. Amazing lips, really. People say they’re the best lips they’ve ever seen. Any words coming out of these lips, believe me, they’re going to be very strong words. Much stronger words than Crooked Hillary.”
Fuck you, you whoring prick.
Just figure anything I say about the future leads off with an untyped “Assuming the human race survives,” and goes on from there.
Two words: Cambridge Analytica
I presume Ryan has reviewed all the evidence Mueller has collected on the Trump cabal before saying this.
And then the betrayal of his country. The profound betrayal. Trump is a crazy person. But Ryan just sailed into this, knowing what he was doing. It’s unforgivable.
Assume the position, Cadet Ryan…