Discussion: Paul Ryan Brushes Off Trump's 1995 Tax Return: It's Not 'That Harmful'

Well this puts Ryan and the Republican party into the proper perspective. When a Republican does something that a decent person finds morally indefensible a good Republican like Ryan uses only one filter to make his judgement." Well we gain or loose votes"? This is his only comment. Was it right or wrong for a very wealthy person to capture a corporate loss as if it were his personal loss to avoid paying Federal taxes for nearly two decades is a question that never even comes to the mind of a Republican.


The GOP has their man and nothing can stop the train – even when its derailing, so Ryan stays on board and hopes the crash won’t be fatal to him personally. Never mind that the country suffers.


I don’t think Drumpf is actually wealthy. I mean, how many true billionaires go around screaming “I’m very rich. Believe me.” etc.?

David Kay Johnston said he talked to a very successful hedge funder, who said of HO, “I’m a billionaire. He’s just a clown living off credit cards.”

Indeed, I suspect his house of cards could come crashing down as soon as next year.


You left out the best part, where she also dies on public assistance.


Paul Ryan and Donald Trump — the real takers.


“I don’t think it’s that harmful,” said lying ryan.


I’m having such fun! Can’t wait for the next debate!


Remember when Ryan was the “policy wonk” wonder boy who was the new face of and potential savior of the Republican party? Well, less than 5 years later he’s reduced himself to a boot-licking toady, whose just as hated by his own party than anyone else.



Yah, it’s no big deal. I wonder how many times Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, John Rockefeller, and other great businessmen in our nation’s history lost $1B in year and stiff their contractors. I’m guessing the answer is zero.


I am not a white Southerner. Nor have I in any way experienced either black nor white socializations. But I must say that, as a person who speaks several languages, it does help to be able to IMAGINE how a person of another social group feels.

And, if I were a white Southerner, I would feel incensed every time I watched someone like Paul Ryan on television.

Listen to the crisp, Midwestern/Wisconsin accents. Look at the homespun mannerisms. Even read the words “Janesville, Wisconsin” and it evokes the American Everyman. I very much doubt that Ryan would be given the pass that he gets from the American general public if he were a person from the Deep South…speaking in drawls and grammar that Hollywood has Boogy-manned ever since there WAS Hollywood**.

It goes without saying that this is an “American Everyman” version of the exact thing that less “believable” slobs like Giuliani and Christie said (to everyone’s derision) a few days ago.

And, oh, Hollywood has long poked fun at Joisey and New Yawk meatballs as well…just like white Southerners.

** Never mind the magnificent Southerners like Bill Moyers, Jimmy Carter and Ramsey Clark

To reword a quote from Aixa to her son, the last sultan of Granada: “Thou dost whine like a cuck for what thou couldst not defend as a man.” Or maybe good ol’ Teddy’s “[he has] no more backbone than a chocolate eclair.”

I like this reporting because it clearly indicates that the Republican financial whiz kid is so financially illiterate he cannot tell the difference between personal and corporate income.

And that’s ignoring how it completely exposes his lack of political knowledge.


Some of the things I’ve learned from the Trump campaign & his supporters:

  • President Obama can time-travel – going back in time to start the war in Afghanistan and ISIS
  • ISIS apparently has been in operations since the 1950’s – and either Hillary started it (maybe at Wellesley) or has been fighting it all her life
  • Bill Clinton as the governor of Arkansas has enormous influence (the ability to cause the Neil Bush S&L collapse, a real-estate bubble, restrictive monetary policy and a global oil price shock) which enabled him to engineer the 1990-91 recession
  • The 1990-91 Bush Recession (which lost 885,000 jobs total) was apparently as bad as the Great Recession of 2008 (which hemorrhaged 8.8 million jobs) because Donnie lost money
  • Hillary is very untrustworthy, because she apparently met with Nobel Prize winners and others that gave money to a highly-rated charity (created by her husband) that has helped millions globally.
  • Trump is very trustworthy, because he apparently knows how to game the system with regards to taxes and has a private charity that illegally laundered money to further his political career.
  • A woman who gains 15 pounds means she’s a pig. An old man who is borderline obese (if his physician’s letter detailing his height & weight is to be believed) is a catch.
  • (A la 50 Shades of Grey) there is apparently no safe word for Republicans in their debasement to Trump.
  • Trump’s core supporters are going to be an ongoing problem for sane Republicans and Democrats alike for the foreseeable future.

The Trump Effect…


Thankfully it’s not genetic, or else we really might have to worry about the vampire and the Mr. Poison Skittles.

If net operating losses are common in the real estate business, and GOPers think government should be run like a business, then why do they insist on having a balanced budget?


Ryan’s hoping Trump is elected so that he can be impeached and Mike Pence becomes President and Ryan becomes VP.

Dream on, Denying Ryan!


Absolutely not harmful among the all-important $300 per bottle wine drinker demographic

Ryan said that net operating losses are “extremely common.”

Ryan continued, "Lots of my best friends and biggest donors never pay any taxes

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