Now there’s a firebrand for ya.
What bravery…it really makes a man’s eyes damp.
Cowardly lame duck says what?
O that’s telling him, Eddy.
And yer gonna do exactly what about it?
Careful pretty boy. You’re gonna be “little Paulie” in a day or two if you don’t shape up.
Walk it back before big daddy notices he said anything. Isn’t that the Republican way?
It’s a gutsy, fearless display of independence.
Are we still saying “Profiles in Courage?”
Well that will show him!
Well, do something about it. It should not be the province of ONE man to willfully impose tariffs. Congress should take back full responsibility. They have to listen to their own constituents, the manufacturers of steel and aluminum items that will now be unaffordable.
Caspar Milquetoast sez what?
“House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) broke with the Trump administration on Thursday…”
“Capitol police declared a total lock-down and placed terrified members of the House majority in protective custody as a precautionary measure against Ryan’s renegade spine. ‘This is an extremely dangerous situation with the potential to spiral completely out of control,’ said a visibly shaken spokesman. Later, the ‘all clear’ signal was given after RNC investigators determined the Speaker merely had gas, and was ‘feeling much better after a lie down’…”
If only there were some branch of government that could act as a check on the executive, exert some oversight.
Uh, yawn. Emasculated, complicit politician takes “brave” stand.
I agree with Chinese, er, “China people,” tariffs on Harleys.
Paul “Eddie Munster” Ryan had balls to remove? Oh, has has a dick. Or more accurately, is a dick–a little one.
We can maybe hope that Randy Bryce will put some steel in rAyn’s spine, and it will be the first recorded transfer of mettle to to a backbone