Go ahead Rand , Say it
"They’re going to Ram it down our throat"
Pure powerplay - and pure (evil) folly, to vote on something so important, that effects 1/6 of our economy, without knowing the day before what is in it. Like blind faith that something “good” or “better” will come out of the conference committee.
Listen closely GOP senators, that sound you hear as you vote yes? Those are the metaphorical nails in the coffin of some of your political careers. Add to that being completely tied to the chaos of the White House which appears to be leading a retreat from “America Exceptionalism” and world leader status, those sounds you hear may be the beginning of a death rattle for your party.
May some wisdom prevail among enough of you in the GOP to stem this travesty, and prevent the havoc being sought from being wreaked on our society.
So serious question, will Democratic senators be able to use vote-a-rama to introduce hundreds, even thousands of amendments as twitter was talking about a month ago?
wonder if they’ll bother telling them before they actually vote.
Or surprise! will McConnell tell some of them they’re voting on one bill and some they’re voting on the other one, haha.
Is Trump privately promising Russian support to senators who comply and Russian opposition to those who don’t?
And of course shocker of shockers, these fucktards will all vote for it, no matter that they’re buying a pig in a poke.
Maybe I am being too optimistic. but I don’t think McConnell really intends or expects for this to pass. It seems more like he’s going through the motions for those who insist that there has to be a vote on this so that the President will know who to blame when it goes down.
I don’t know.
Apparently he is trying to ply recalcitrant senators with $billions.
I used to shop at a dented can store that sold cans rejected by supermarkets.
One shelf had undented cans without labels. The cans were ten cents each. Might be peas, might be dog food, who knows? Buy one and open it to see what you paid for.
Looks to me like the “Freedom to choose healthcare” belongs to the GOP Senators. So, shall we take healthcare away from 22 million, 23 million or 32 million? So many choices, so little time.
sounds just like a $12 insurance plan!
I’ve got a great idea for a movie. This guy–or gal–who’s not a politician gets elected to the Senate. S/he mostly goes along, until the leader tells the party members that they are going to vote on a bill that’s a matter of life or death to many of the senator’s constituents, except he won’t let them know what’s in the bill. In fact, there’s more than one bill, and he won’t tell them which bill he’s going to bring to the floor. But they have to vote yes.
I’m thinking of calling it, “Mr. (or Ms.) Smith Goes to Washington.”
What’s that? Too improbable? You don’t think even a big-name director could get people to think that could happen? Yeah, I guess you’re right.
They are Groucho Marx in reverse when it comes to their “repeal” stunt legislation.
And trying to get McCain back -
The Obamacare Nightmare is only just beginning if they pass repeal and go home.
It’s almost like the good 'ol days of passing the Patriot Act before anyone really had a chance to read it.
Good times…
That is grotesque.
Call your Senators. Tell them NO on the MTP. My two are Democrats but it is important to register with them. It gives them ammo.against the Republicans.