Discussion: Paul Erickson Is Our Duke Of The Week

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So are LLCs the new way to celebrate one’s dating anniversaries?

What the hell is going on in Sioux City, IA?

Hey ladies if this face was waiting for you at home wouldn’t you be galavanting all over the US while your “boyfriend” stays home and does your homework?


Meanwhile, he probably thought that being able to afford a younger girlfriend was a status symbol. Not understanding that she was being paid by someone else.


I noticed Rachel mentioned this guy was from South Dakota. I wonder if they weren’t in Sioux Falls, SD instead of Sioux City, IA? Much more cosmopolitan place (home of Sen John Thune).


I’m from Sioux City and Sioux Falls is about an hour’s drive away. I would never describe either place as “cosmopolitan”. But yeah, they almost certainly meant Sioux Falls.


That was a snark.

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The snark here is amazing. Gotta say these dukes of the week have been on fire! Absolutely hysterical! Keep it up, TPM!!


Very funny, but please – don’t insult Ginny Weasley! And Paul is NO Harry Potter. Mariia and Paul are Slytherins, for sure!



Time for the revenge porn…

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Wouldn’t it be amazing if she was one of the peeing Russian prostitutes the Manchurian Cantaloupe is so concerned about? My irony meter might spin into oblivion.


I don’t want to be cynical, but maybe that’s how they were paying for graduate school.

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Were i Paul Erickson I would have my self tested for STDs, as apparently his honey bear was spreading not just for the cause (him, and with contempt and disgust) but also other targets (possibly ditto) , and most likely a little something on the side, just for her.

I would suggest Planned Parenthood (free and confidential) but I doubt he believes in them.

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If boyfriend Paul was to any great extent doing Maria’s homework for her, American University may wish to review her academic records. Having spent most of my adult life as a college professor, I would think that if this is true it would be grounds for the revocation of her degree.

@pck53 and @blackforestdweller

Truly some weapons-grade snark.

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Duke? I thought you said “dupe”.

What a brilliant idea for an upcoming episode of the Great American Reality Show.
Worthy of popping corn!!

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