Discussion for article #240296
I think someones been huffing some fairy dust of her own.
I think I would take sparkly fairy dust and unicorns over drunken fist fights.
DOn’t JUSt SIT aroUND waTCHIng unicorNS fart RAINbows. DRILL BABY Drill!1!1!!!one!1!!!
OnlY IN OHbummer’s “AMerica”
“Drill baby drill”, she’s like a washed up band (say Foreigner or Night Ranger) playing their one hit at the Kansas State Fair.
Yay, fucking unadulterated retarded in its purest form. Might as well just hand the mic and a national broadcasting platform to a room full of medication noncompliant schizophrenics who’ve been fed a bath salts and peyote pie. We are all of us stupider for her existence and the MSM’s chocie to provide her with a soap box.
She forgot to say ‘also, too.’
Palin lives to seek relevance…
She has an awfully detailed imagery of that world, like she’s explored it thoroughly.
Silly Half-Governor… you’re thinking of Rich Lowry, and the little starbursts that ricocheted across America.
meth is a horribly debilitating drug. how sad.
She’s clearly tripping.
"Only in an Orwellian Obama world full of sparkly fairy dust blown from atop his unicorn as he’s peeking through a pretty pink kaleidoscope would he ever see victory or safety for America or Israel in this treaty
Only in meth-adled Palin world, full of drunken brawls, unplanned pregnancies, and general douchebaggery, is thwarting a third world war a sign of weakness. And only in passionately and aggressively stupid Palin world does the most powerful man in the world sit atop unicorns playing with kaleidoscopes. Oddly enough, though, it does sound like something Putin would do…when he’s not negotiating and signing off on the Iran deal…
Yep, tripping balls.
The word is “starbursts”, dummy.
Thank fucking god this woman never set foot in the White House.
I’ll say it again…longest…goddamned…15 minutes…in… world…history…
Just what sick World does Shara Palin live in?
Hilarious. Just a friendly reminder, if you want to use the word ‘Orwellian,’ you probably shouldn’t follow it up with the suggestion that killing terrorists will bring about peace.
This is your Republican Party. This is your Republican Party on drugs. Any questions?
First of all, it isn’t a treaty. This is an enforcement deal regarding the Nuclear-Non-Prliferation Treaty which every nation not he planet save Israel, Pakistan, India and South Sudan have signed.
Second, this is not a “peace” agreement, but one which will prevent Iran from being capable of building a nuclear weapon for at least a decade. Unlike the status quo which has no ability to prevent Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapon rio they wanted one.
Third, and more importantly, why does anyone give a shit about what the half-term quitter from Alaska (and shitty parent) Sarah Palin has to say about anything?