It’s not easy being a secret billionaire selfishly manipulating loopholes in a 240 year old democracy…
“It’s always something.”
— “Weekend Update” Health Correspondent Roseanne Roseannadanna
I saw that. Did it sound like a desperate plea for understanding to you, too?
There are a number of pro-trumPP rallies around the country where there will be much talk of supporting police and America while wearing blue ribbons and shouting.
@tiowally I certainly do understand. He didn’t want to be speaker, had to be dragged kicking and screaming, and we see why now. Herding cats or something.
I was going to say the same thing. Thank god they dumped Obamacare and saved my ACA.
I have been seeing the anti-ACA ads put out by American Action Network on MSNBC of all places. That seems really strange.
I noted they were really over the top too.
Two words for Paulie: 111st Congress. Most productive in decades. And their reward was to be crushed by the vandals he now leads.
“You know, the last time someone ordered me to something, I was 18 years old. And it was my daddy. And I didn’t listen to him, either.”
Considering the amount of bullshit generated it should probably be called a Testosterodeo.
OT, but how inventive.
Now, if they could come up with legislation that had, as an acronym,
“tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon”, then the Dem senators would have something.
Paulie is full of shit. Rs have controlled the House for seven years now - and he’s been in leadership for every damn one of 'em.
Why not? Just put the fake news out there that you won. It’s been working so far.
Brilliant. Let’s get it passed!
To you and us, yes. They would seem that way. But we are not the target audience that this crap is being marketed to.
Makes you think, neh?
I don’t buy that for a second, he wanted to be speaker all along - just like he wants to be president someday.
Agitprop - dispirit the opposition.
Perhaps Kremlin-funded, at that, if one scratched beneath the surface a little.
We’ll have to settle for The “Many Asshole Rogues Adoringly Looking At Giant Orange” Act for the time being.
I lived in Huntington Beach during my "coming of age and young adulthood years. It’s instructive to know that it still remains, just really that stupid.
When Paulie finally realizes he’s full of shit, and we’re wise to him, that’ll be the day he quits the Speakership, or some rebellious faction in the House initiates a coup. For now he can only do weasel words not even he believes.
“I love the smell of Schadenfreude in the morning.”