Discussion: 'Out For Blood': Inside Anti-Gov't Extremist's Alleged Plot To Bomb Bank

Kinda weird how a mug shot can hide a person’s Muslim background. They say the camera makes you look ten pounds more Christian.


As well as having three names- Jerry Drake Varnell.


Has the Lying Orange Shit-Stain condemned “the violence on many sides, on many sides” in this case, yet?


When does Trump condemn the FBI for tricking this good, innocent boy? And when does Sessions start an internal DOJ investigation into improper entrapment?


And the Trump non-condemnation clock is ticking again.

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Can he use the Donald Trump Jr. defense?

“Yes, I tried to commit a crime against American democracy, but my coconspirators were frauds so I didn’t actually commit a crime, so we’re all good.”


Tell me he didn’t design the 3 spit curls as a statement about being one of the Fight Club 3% fighting the powers that be as a true Revolutionary.

[quote=“bosfarcal, post:6, topic:60588, full:true”]
And the Trump non-condemnation clock is ticking again.
[/quote]Trump: “He became an anti-government extremist when Obama was in office. Sad. Never would have happened if I’d been elected 8 years earlier. These guys love me.”


Lone wolf with mental health problems. Nothing to see here. Move along. Certainly don’t look at his correspondence history to see who might have radicalized him into this attempt at terrorism.


Instead, try DOJ intimidation on a website that is anti-Trump…

I guess these folks never heard of the Whiskey Rebellion.


Or how it all ended for the militant left groups who blew shit up in the 60s and 70s.

And then the rightwing again in the 90s.

He looks about 12. He’s 23 - he has no fucking clue what he’s doing.


what is it about deep red Oklahoma that makes right wing nut jobs wanna keep bombing buildings there?

@tena I agree, and it’s still a good thing the evil gubbmint has made it difficult to buy ammonium nitrate in any significant quantity, because these rabid simpletons can still do plenty of damage, given enough opportunity.


What I want to know is why he has broccoli growing out of his left ear. Could be part of his problem.

What does the fool think Timothy McVeigh accomplished by blowing up a federal building? He has the example right there in front of him and he is too damn stupid and young not to get that there was no affect other than a terrible crime and terrible punishment for it.

I mean - Jeez.

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It was worse than nothing for McVeigh, really. After the Ruby Ridge and Waco fiascoes, the “militia movement” was gaining ground. Then OKC happened and support basically dried up overnight. McVeigh thought as this knucklehead did, that he would start the race war. Instead, he revealed how chickenshit the “movement” really was, all sound and fury. Signifying nothing.

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Hell that’s what Charlie Manson said he was trying to do - start a race war.

Another shining example of success. SMDH

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The Oklahoman newspaper reported that Varnell had a history of mental health issues,

Just in case you were still wondering.