And sometimes you end up scoring points for the wrong team.
Mission Accomplished, eh?
She was terrible and needed to go years ago. I hope she loses her seat. She is EXACTLY the type of democrat that shouldn’t be in office let alone a leadership position.
I supported bernie and I still do which is why I am voting for Hillary.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her stupidity has made it extremely hard to persuade hard core bernie supporters to follow Clinton. Combined with the daily lies about Mrs Clinton and it is really hard to convince the 18-30 crowd that Mrs Clinton is not a corrupt money grubbing wall street neo con.
Some blame to the press including TPM for claiming all of Bernie supporters were young ignorant students.
When you attacked bernie supporters you became a distrusted news source for a lot of bernie supporters.
She resigned – what more do you want – blood? Why do we always need a scapegoat – and why is that usually a woman? The attacks on her are proxy attacks on HRC. The convention was well planned and executed. If she had a hand in making that happen, I am grateful to her.
Please, Ms. Schultz, go back to Florida, run for reelection, and stop talking about national campaigns, issues or the DNC. You are poison now, even if you were innocent. If you care at all about winning the White House, stop it.
I agree. Whatever else DWS may or may not have done behind the scenes, that was one hell of a convention. And it wasn’t planned in the afternoon after she left.
Come on, you must know that (mostly) the left wing of the party have been trying to get her out for years.
Because she is the kind of person who is willing to take one for the team is why she is not going to lose her seat. Her constituents love her. I agree she is all wrong as the head of the DNC, but this single minded derision of DWS overlooks that this is a job that would be hard for any elected official to do. Making an issue personal usually guarantees that no one will look beyond the person to rethink deeper issues with the position itself, and what role it is supposed to fulfill.
She absolutely deserves credit for putting together a phenomenal convention. And she is taking a lot more flack then is needed for her handling of the DNC and the email hack “scandal”.
But, she was never a particularly good DNC chair. Indeed,walking out the door and telling people “Fuck them” after getting pushed out precisely because of saying things like that in private and getting caught was, for me, just another big reminder of her many problems.
Yes, Bernie went overboard pre “email hack” with his rhetoric and public anger directed at DWS, and yes, his campaign had a very uncomfortable pattern of focusing their anger almost exclusively on women. But when the hack was released there was very little choice; Hillary and the DNC needed Bernie and his supporters to get on board, and DWS had to go to make that happen.
My one hope from this is we learn to not appoint actual members of Congress to be the DNC chair. Its a horrible idea and creates numerous conflicts of interest up and down the page. Let Congress people worry about being Congress people and winning their own elections, and let the DNC Chair worry about winning everybody’s election.
The pattern of focusing anger on women is hard to overlook.
top committee officials had their thumbs on the scale for Hillary Clinton.
No they didn’t. Why is TPM repeating this fiction?
As the DWS, the sooner she goes away the better. Particularly since the convention is over. The only downside to her stepping down is this takes Donna Brazile, who I think is awesome, off the t.v. for now.
I gotta defend that. She was talking about the relentless social media trolls, those who’ve been so nasty and abusive she needed a police escort around Philly all week because of real threats to her safety. A few people, and I do mean a few, people said some shitty things about Bernie in emails, and the entirety of the DNC, partly because of the shitty things Bernie himself said, has been pilloried and shamed. Many of these people are doing the hard work of trying to get Dems elected. I have no doubt they put in long and hard hours, plenty of sleepless nights putting together this convention. And yet so much of their effort has been trashed and ignored while they get harassed and attacked all over social media. So, yeah, fuck em. Fuck the people doing those things, and especially fuck those booing at the convention.
Meh…I am not a Brazile fan, particularly when it comes to her involvement in campaigns (she should bare the lion’s share of blame for Gores horrible campaign). I would prefer she stay on TV and not be running the DNC, too…just in the opposite way I suppose.
That being said, I think her involvement will be minimal; she will essentially be just a place holder to keep things already in motion rolling, not to start on a new strategy.
We are dealing with humans here not ciphers. Sure DWS was pro-Clinton. But she is gone because she lost the confidence of the Party. What more do we want? What is so surprising about being pro-Clinton? I have come to respect Bernie’s campaign, but he came late to the Party and ought not to be surprised that a large part of the Democratic Party thought he was an interloper. But in the end he came up trumps (pun intended!) and showed a grace that the other disgrace never does. Let DWS go out into the sunset. If her constituents re-elect her that is their business.
I think we are in basic agreement. When I say she is awesome, I mean her shutting down in a good humored and charming way, some of the silliness on the pundit panel gabfests she is on.
I understand your frustration, and I understand that for DWS is even higher. But a little awareness of the current environment goes a long way in a situation like this. Apparently she didn’t have it, or didn’t care…either of which are flaws in a DNC Chair, IMO.
And, this leaked comment guarantees that even more of their effort will be ignored. Even if she has a valid reason to vent like that…it merely exasperates an already existing problem for the people still there doing the hard work. And to achieve what? Getting a little steam off her chest?
Buy a goldfish and rant and yell at it when you get home. Its a lot less costly to everyone.
That is mainly my point. Let her go quietly into the sunset.
But TPM is simply repeating a fiction that the DNC “had its thumb on the scale”. If anything the bent over backwards to not do that despite being called corrupt whores in the process.
She did as bad a job in 2014 as Tim Kaine did in 2010, but I don’t recall the blind rage for Kaine. Also, she DWS did an excellent job in 2012, something often overlooked or credit is given to Obama. To me, we have a serious problem with turnout in midterms and off year elections in general. This is something we’ve got to figure out how to address. I suspect that getting rid of DWS will do absolutely nothing toward addressing that issue. Also, let’s look at the group she was speaking to when parsing her words-a Jewish group who may feel she was mistreated and thrown under the bus by our party. They may have needed their feelings and anger assuaged too. “I took one for the team, it’s OK, it’s OK” makes a lot of sense in that context.