Discussion for article #233593
“I am coming after you with everything I have,” Mr. O’Reilly said. “You can take it as a threat.”
Popcorn anyone? Just made a fresh batch.
(Sometimes it pays to refresh the main page before bed!)
“During the course of the reporting, O’Reilly threatened one of the Times reporters on the story: “I am coming after you with everything I have,” said the embattled host.”
Billo can dish it out but when presented with facts he shows his thin skin. This is classic behavior of a coward. Or someone seriously insecure and afraid of the truth.
My wife just made some pop corn.
He’s a coward AND he’s insecure.
Actually her pop corn had more to do with the movie we’re watching but it arrived at the right time.
Just another leftie here that has something that bully boy billo does not, a Marine combat action ribbon. What a fucking pecker neck that guy is.
He is threatening the NYTS. This morning he was threatening Mother Jones. During the day real journalists he worked with at CBS laughed at him. I think he is out numbered. Poor little Billo. So diminished. So fast.
Weaponized Loofahs at 30 paces !
And what happened to O’Reilly’s sexual harassment antics? Recall the lengthy salacious phone message that his victim recorded? He seemed to just walk away from that. And, I imagine he’ll just walk away from this as well.
I don’t think so. On the heels of his denouncement of Brian Williams there really isn’t anybody in the msm willing to protect him. Fox News can only protect him so far. In the end he becomes a laughing stock.
If you’d ask him Billo would say that all of Fox’s ratings are due to him. He’s the reason for the network’s success. That’s what Billo would say. And it’s gone to his head. Arrogance is an ugly thing.
He mentioned it on his show and said he’d not speak of it again, and he hasn’t.
I think he’ll shake this off in much the same fashion.
You know you would think he would grow out of that shit. He has displayed all the maturity of a 14 year old throughout this dustup.
Gee, I hope they don’t make Bill return his Pulitzer prize.
Won’t the popcorn this late at night keep you awake? It would be a shame to cut down on the salt and butter just to fall asleep.
Per usual, not mutually exclusive conditions.
You are being mighty generous. My grandson who is almost 6 has more maturity than Billo.