Discussion: O'Reilly To Obama Supporters: 'What Do You Say Now' With Bergdahl Charges? (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #234707

What do I say now? The same thing I said then: let him be tried in a military court HERE and not have his fate determined by terrorists abroad. It appears that’s exactly what happened, and now he must face the consequences of his actions. What’s so difficult to understand about that?

I will ask Bill, and Rick Perry and others, “What do you say now?” when Cameron Todd Willingham is (as seems quite likely) determined to be innocent of the crime for which he was executed.


Large white male propagandist specializing in the use of intimidation and serial lying uses media bully pulpit to conflate issues that do not flow logically into each other with political bullcrap and so appear somehow aggriegrieved and self-righteous over totally invented issue.




I guess O’Reilly just can’t help being an ignorant jackass blowhard.


I’d say he has coming to him what he deserves if the story is true.
ON the other hand, why are you, a bloviating slob, even questioning this story when most of us know if it was you over there, you would be crying and calling for a limo to get you out of there on the first day after taking some pictures to prove you are a hero who deserves a medal of honor.
Funny thought though, billo in a military uniform. LIke that would have ever happened.


It goes without saying, but since nothing’s pressing this morning I’ll say it: There was always some question about the circumstances of Bergdahl’s capture. There was never any question of the American military’s proud tradition of not leaving fellow soldiers behind. And there was never any question that if a warmongering Republican President had arranged for Bergdahl’s return, a far more nuanced view—get him back, by all means, investigate, and punish him if warranted—would have issued universally from the right-wing noise machine’s loudspeakers. But if Barack Obama did it, it’s wrong ipso facto. It never fails. He’s the Grownup-in-Chief, making tough calls, accepting that life is complicated, with downsides for all options, and sorting through them with a kind of realism these black-and-white thinkers don’t have the maturity to recognize. Shorter version: Fuck you, Bill.


We say you don’t gun down teenagers because they smoke weed and eat Skittles, you don’t choke men to death for selling loosies and you don’t leave even deserters or AWOL dumbasses in the hands of the enemy. You blustering frightener of old, old white men.

Lynching may be harder to get away with, but the mentality behind it never died among white conservatives.


Agree with most of the comments above. What was the alternative - leave our GI behind in pre-judgment of his status? We believe in rule of law and an orderly process. To O’Reilly and the right-wingers, Bergdahl should have been prosecuted and convicted on the spot. I suspect that the painstaking and lengthy process for determining charges, if any, were indicative of the complicated facts of the case, not just the politics and optics. We’re Americans - have faith in our country and system of justice.


" It is long past time for Americans to stop the ideological nonsense and see things for what they really are."

Says the person who works for Fox News.


I say I want to hear Bill O’Reilly say - ‘I, Bill O’Reilly completely and categorically endorse, willingly & deliberately leaving an untried, unconvicted United Stares serviceman behind in enemy hands - purely on the basis of the popular presumption of guilt’


I don’t know about the rest of the Obama supporters here in Disneyland, but me, Mickey and Goofy are going Republican tomorrow.

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O’Reilly is an evil man. Imagine if it was his son or daughter captured and tortured for 5 years. It doesn’t matter why Berghahl left his base, he was still an American soldier. Should we leave American soldiers to be tortured and maybe executed because they could be a deserter?? I think the moral thing was to do exactly what President Obama did. This was a prisoner swap that has been done for decades. Every country does this, and Israel does this for every soldier captured. Since Israel is the moral compass that republicans go by what say they??


I still say Bergdahl should have been rescued - as the many people and politicians were begging Obama to do. He should have been tried if there was a question of desertion and have the military deal with him.And that’s what happened. Why is this even a question? Should he have been left behind?

And why is this even about Obama supporters?


I guess O’Reilly won’t be flying the POW / MIA flag at his house this weekend.


Wuterich. Graner. ad infinitum. Reilly can eff off.

Same here. I never said he was necessarily innocent, just that he have his case determined in the courts, not on Fox News.


So now due process consists of determining his guilt based on (???) and leaving him to die or worse at the hands of his captors? Interesting.


Glad to hear that someone with extensive war zone and military experience knows the answers. Surprised that BillO hasn’t suggested that the President be executed and that Bergdahl join the FOX team as an expert on something.


I love that you can get O’Reilly’s jingoistic stupidity twice, in real time; from his mendacious lips, and projected on the screen.

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