Discussion: O'Reilly Sympathizes With Clintons: I Too Have Been 'Dishonestly Smeared' (VIDEO)

Thicker than that, more a shit schmear.

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Far more frequently he has been ā€œhonestly smearedā€ and he comes off behaving like a little whiner nearly every timeā€¦


If Bill O was at a funeral, Iā€™d want him to be the corpse, too. Win Win.

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Ailes has his ass covered. Heā€™d never have even been hired to work for a legitimate news service.

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Come down off your cross, Bill-O. Is there anything more pathetic than an over-grown, supposedly mature adult man whining about how nobody loves him? Oh, and Bill-O, countering the multitude of charges of your less than honest approach to reporting by claiming everyone is out to get you doesnā€™t exactly equal an argument that establishes your credibility.


Works as non-snark pretty well too. :smile:

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poor bill.

Billo, when you have served as POTUS and/or Secretary of State then you can compare yourself to the Clintons but until then you are just an annoying hack talking head on Fox Not-the-News.


well billo, I have to say you have been honestly smeared. I was doing 70mph last night on the interstate and ā€œwackā€ you ran into my windshield. Unfortunatly, I am out of bug juice and I swear, it looks like your little head poking out at the end of that smear. Going for bug juice, itā€™s starting to stink. Honestly. lol

In fairness to BillO, when your out sized-ego collides with your messiah complex then it is impossible to have an ā€˜honestā€™ smear. He canā€™t help but see his critics as sub-human trolls driven to dishonesty by a genetic predisposition to tear down a superior being. This world view really says more about his demons than his critics though.

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ā€œMalmedy liesā€ sent me to mediamatters.org and I must admit I donā€™t remember him talking about. But I see Keith raked him over the coals pretty thoroughly at the time.

OLBERMANN: Abraham Lincoln did not shoot John Wilkes Booth. Titanic did not sink a North Atlantic iceberg. And Fox News is neither fair nor balanced. These are simple historical facts intelligible to all adults, most children, and some of your more discerning domesticated animals. But not, as the third story on the Countdown proves yet again, not to Bill O.


Smeared with LoofaJuice does not count, Billo.

Maybe Hillary can swing enough of the Right Wing Victimhood Cult sympathy votes to put her over the top.

Hey Brendan! "ā€¦cast doubts on his war tales and public statements. "?

This schmuck got called out and creamed for lying, repeatedly. Please, no soft soap here and no lipstick on this pig.